The Four Treasures
The Four Treasures
Chapter 4 (I have too many ideas in mind)
BloodCrow’s wings had became wet. Unable to fly, he thrashed around in the water. He finally closed his eyes after what felt like hours of thrashing. The darkness came warm and welcoming.
The next time he opened his eyes, he was on dry ground. Suprised by being alive he looked up, and stared into the eyes of a Rex, the sun reflected on the shades of grey on the Rex’s scales, causing him to shut his eyes.
“We found the lad, Boss!”
“Who a-are you?” BloodCrow asked.
“Smoker, but kids call me Smoke. Part of the Flood-Fighters.” Smoker said.
Next part out soon (Probably straight after this one)
Slither slithering out!
PS: The Four Treasures may slow down for a couple days since i might burn out, but I hope it’s ok for the few people to read these!