*thinks back to absurd planet on Netflix. Looks at the comments saying it’s cute.*
Glowtail: “Yup! I’m very popular!”
Har har.
Watch absurd planet it’s ridiculous.
When you tame this with just 15 minutes you can save 15% on car insurance.
I don’t know a thing about it all I know is it’s on ASE baby!
Save 15% or more when switching to glowtail
"What's that?
It's a glow tail.
What does it do?
It glows."
Nice reaper king
Reaper king gets into accident
Glow tail: I’ll save you 15 precent or more on tame insurance
I tamed a glowtail and painted it Black. Now i call him Toothless
Slap a cowboy hat on that goonie, and call him...... Rango
Can't...kill...it's so...cute. With those...big eyes
When the sun shines we shine together 🎶 imagine all the glowtails singing that song 😆
That moment when you go into one of the caves to get one and it turns out to be a game of Hide and Seek with a ravager pack