ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
More Gasbags Funny Tips
My sis is in love with one she built a KINGDOM FOR IT!! I’m not kidding she actually did asked can I come in? She says do you have a gas bag? I say no she says then no I say ok she says I’m going to leave the door open tho for any more wild gas bags I say ok she says to her friends she let in cuz they have gas bags gard the gate they say ok and call over there gas bags… mr. fart and cheasy i go to my house I only have one tame… it’s my shadow mane I love shadow mane so that’s why any way I say ok let’s go to her btw her names Luna she is white so I go invisible and sneak in and I killed her gas bag when she went to close the gate… she did not know who did it.. til she checked the tribe log… I was busted but thanks to lunas super huge charge jump I got out by the time she finally checked the tribe log it was funny and I show up at the gate and yell in chat THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT LETTING ME IN!!!! she says… ATTACK!!!! I jump away and lead them to a ton of Dino’s lol but I went invisible so the Dino’s won’t attack me so they did. It risk there bags of gas to die so they’re left me after they left: Laughing while thinking : god I love playing kingdom (but it was no game to them) BUT IT WAS TO ME!! HAHAHA!!!! I love you Luna. If this gets to 10 likes I’ll make lots more and unlike the rest of the people I actually will I promise on lunas life