Don’t forget the Megalodons grandpa along with the gasbags grandma-
Good on Dododex for adding my ex-wife to the app
Sooo cute I’m not joking but has anyone tamed one before if you 1 like = 1 gasbag.
Avatar has a flying bison
Ark Extinction has a farting bison...
He is a fart powered flying jet.
they look like obsese Caterpillars. can you agree? up if yes
From days of running from a Rex to flying in a giant fart caterpillar.
This is the best game ever.
What is the picture LOL 😂 i know it’s been awhile since I played extinction but I don’t think it’s been that long
Essentially a fart powered flying machine.
Me: Oxygen is a wasted stat.
GASBAG: Hold my beer
me looking at him and thinking of frosting on his face with a box of donuts🤣🤣😆🤣