ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Once you’ve gone through the pain of trying to knock one out without it dying or escaping, the next problem arises… torpor. It goes down so insanely quickly that it can be rather difficult to figure out what to do about it. The most effective way in my experience is just spam a crap ton of narcoberries on it which’ll keep the torpor balanced.
Hope this helped ya!
More Gallimimus Taming & KO Tips
Gallimimuses can be picked up with argies at least on mobile.
Bolas DO WORK on MOBILE. just tested it out
Taming these guys is a pain, since they stay asleep for 10 secs. But the idea to keep these guys asleep is by bringing bio toxin. Since it has a lot of torpor when consumed,. But what sucks about biotoxin is that it spoils.
How to tame: Gallimimus. (This is for mobile players only!)
You will need: Argy with saddle, Dimetrodon kibble, Bola, 35 Narcotic, 20 mejoberries and 5 Tranq darts and a longneck rifle.
Step 1: Find a Gallimimus in the swamp.
Step 2: Pick up the Gallimimus with your argy, and carry it back to the island that your base is on.
Step 3: Land your argy, and put the bola in your hot bar.
Step 4: Bola the Gallimimus.
Step 5: Make sure your longneck was in your hot bar, and shoot until unconsious.
Step 6: Give it the Dimetrodon kibble, narcotics and mejoberries.
Step 7: Feed it narcotic whenever you feel it needs it.
Step 8: Once it's tamed, carry it to your base.
Step 9: Target it when you get "Tame: Gallimimus", and get the rewards.
You can also complete "Hunt: Raptor" and get a Gallimimus saddle.
Please ^ if this was helpful!
Tame one, call it compy king.
Tame multiple compy, call then warrior 1,2, and so on.
Bam, u got urself a cool army.
Drop in a taming pen if possible. Darts work best so you don't kill it. Wakes up fast so keep a close eye on it.
alright so uh narcotics are useful but bio toxin is better.
from what i’ve seen:
Bio Toxin - 80 Torpor + Can be fed to creatures constantly
Narcotic - 40 Torpor + Can be fed to creatures
Narcoberries - 7.5 Torpor + Can be fed to herbivores constantly, but not carnivores
hope this is helpful
Easy tame just use tranq arrows. Oh wait why he dead with one shot....
DO Not I repeat NEVER take a Gallimimus egg if you are low level on foot....