ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

You NEED scuba gear or lazurus chowder and if your thinking 'nah I upgraded my oxygen so I'll be fine' NO they take too long to take down. Also on mobile they don't fight back
More Dunkleosteus Taming & KO Tips
Very easy to tame if you know what your doing. First tame an Ichthyosaur. Then grab a crossbow and some tranq arrows and find one and knock it out. It is not be able to attack if you are on the Ichthy. As you are taming it, be sure to remain on the Ichthy unless feeding narcs, so other creature donβt hurt you.
fun fact: did you know the dunkleosteus doesnβt actually have teeth? itβs teeth were the armoured, protective plates on its face. πif you didnβt know
These are one of the few dinos that take less damage/topour from head shots. Aim for the body.
When it says 1.7% chance of death. It means it's going to die.
Taming a dunklosteous is not too hard if you do this.
1. Get lazurous chowder or scuba gear
2. Have kibble or prime meat ready
3. Have at least 2 good crossbows. Kill some alpha raptors to get some.
4. Use a mount. I recommend a Sarcosichus or a Baryonyx. Make sure you can fire off of its back.
5. Find one. They typically spawn near the edge of the map on The Island.
6. Clear out any hostile creatures that are too close. They will interfere with your tame.
7. Shoot it full of tranqs. This may take a while. They are slow, so simply kite them while riding your mount.
8. Once they are knocked out, put kibble and/or prime meat in their inventory. They may need narcotics depending on the level. Make sure to protect them.
9. You now have a Dunklosteous! I suggest bringing a cryopod because they are very slow swimmers.
Hope this helps, good luck! :)
Bring more tranq arrows then you think! Mine took 100 at close range, on the body, at LEVEL 3.
I took cooked prime meat (stays better longer) and got mine in only four feedings. On an icthy they donβt chase (mobile player here) happy taming- Survivor Belle
Anyone else surprised that their not hostile
Be sure to bring lots and I means LOTS of tranq arrows 150 at least to be safe avoid head shots....obviously
How To Tame The Hard Way:
1.) Find A Squid
2.) Tame Squid
3.) Find Dunkleo
4.) Grab Dunkleo
5.) Shoot it With Compound And Toxicant
6.) Enjoy Your Dunkleo
Baryonyx are really good for taming these! Once they start running, a Bary is fast enough to chase them, and since it allows rider weaponry you can keep firing. Since Dunkleos are pretty chunky, it's hard to miss a shot on them even while moving. Aim anywhere except the head. I tamed a 135 with a harpoon launcher loaded with tranq spear bolts, SCUBA gear, and my 276 Baryonyx I use for caves.
For mobile players: From experience they won't attack you on Ichthyosaurus (which also allows rider weaponry,) so you can chase one down and tame it with an Ichthy and a crossbow. Harpoon launchers don't exist on mobile.
For both versions, you could also use a Tusoteuthis and grab/hold the desired Dunkleo, but this takes a long time since they have high torpor and I wouldn't recommend it. You could also be interrupted by other hostile creatures such as Megalodons or Plesiosaurs if you do this. If you don't press attack, the Tuso will inflict torpor but no damage. You'll need more tranquilisers than you think.