ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

This thing can break rocks but not stone structures. They are both rocks!
More Doedicurus Funny Tips
was taming it and a rex showed up. luckily i put wooden spikes around it and then i proceeded to throw a bomb at the rex and shoot it with arrows. now i called the doedic "rex bomber"
Paint it blue or find a blue one then max out speed and call it sonic
My sisters tribemate found a blue Doedicurus and shouted in chat βI FOUND SONICβ
Either my dude is straight trippin, or there is a bug in my game. Everytime i smash a rock, it says βregaining foodβ
Once my tribe was trying to tame one of these but we ran out of darts so 2 of my tribe mates cornered it and koβed it with their fists click that green arrow so bored admins can see
How is the rider not crushed to death?
I was trying to tame this one near the beach it eventually went into the water and curled up then he drowned how could I cause a armidillo to commit suicide
While rolling turn on the song "they see me rolling they hating"
This guy gets bullied by terror birds 1 up vot = one prayer.
Me and my tribe had a Doedicurus named Donald. Overall he survived 3 raids including wyverns attacking. Each time every other game was killed but not our Donald. We soon decided to transfer and benga Donald with us. We uploaded him but forgot to redownlad him. RIP Donald. Miss u bud