ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Funny Tips

What are some funny jokes or stories about the doedicurus? Funny doedicurus jokes submitted by ARK players.
Me and my tribe had a Doedicurus named Donald. Overall he survived 3 raids including wyverns attacking. Each time every other game was killed but not our Donald. We soon decided to transfer and benga Donald with us. We uploaded him but forgot to redownlad him. RIP Donald. Miss u bud
When you see one close to your base.” Nah man I’ll get it another time. (When that time comes) “Ok where is that dude.He is gone. I guess I’ll go to the redwood biome to tame one” (Gets there) “Ok I tamed one. Now to get him to my base. NOoOooO. My pteranodon died!!! I guess I will have to go on foot. I hope nothing kills it in the swamp. Nooo leeches, nooo sarcos, noooo kapros. (Dies) Ok i have to get back really fast. Ok he is still alive. Cmon lets go home. (Barely gets home.) True Story.