ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

So to tame this guy you need to build a giga trap, but these guys only spawn in the mountains, dodos are incredible rare so good luck finding one. Lure it into the trap and Starr shooting it with tranq arrows/darts, you need to knock it out and give it raw mutton. Once it eats about 5-10 mutton it will wake up, the dodo will get a rage buff and destroy the trap and start attacking you and your tribe mate, you need to have dead bodyโs of other Dinoโs prepared beforehand, as youโre running you need to grab the dead body and drop it in front of the dodo, it should eat the body and itโs taming meter will go up by about 5%. Repeat this process over and over and eventually you should have a dodo.
More Dodo Taming & KO Tips
Dodos are quite easy to tame, and have few uses, but hereโs a guide anyway.
1. Find a dodo, they are found on the southwest, south, and southeast beaches, sometimes they are in the jungle next to the beaches.
2. Easiest way to knock out a dodo is to use fists, however itโs sometimes problematic with high level high health dodos, so I recommend a club or slingshot. Tranq arrows are kind of a waste, and can kill the dodo depending on level. No trap is needed because the player is able to outrun the dodo
3. Mejos work great, and wonโt really affect the effectiveness so I recommend those, you wonโt need narcs, and it is a quick tame, so just sit by it until itโs up
Happy taming!
P.S. Iโm making an in depth taming guide for every creature in ark, so check those out, all my tips have this format and end in Happy taming! If these are helpful, please raise it to the top so it can help more people
How do you tame them
Taming a dodo is super EASY!
But good for first Dino ๐
if u are new to ark then yes u can tame one or two but don't let ot get tooo much. i know they are cute but that's it. they are not helpful and u need to take care of them. i had so much of them and it broke my heart to kill them because i couldn't tame more dinosaurs
My friend had a dodo... and it has like 8000% melee damage and 2000 health.... the most op thing we have tamed
Just punch it until it sleeps and feed it berries
Alright so this is how to tame a dodo for newbies
1: get some berries (make sure itโs a decent amount so you donโt run out)
2: find a dodo and punch it/club it until it's unconscious
3: feed the dodo the berries (give it more as needed)
4:you have a dodo! Give him a name and enjoy ๐
I am trying to make a dodo army with my friend and we are breeding them so everyone MAKE A DODO ARMY NOW!!!
This is really simple so Iโll try to make it hard. Find a Wild Dodo that suits you (colour, lev, etc). Then gather up a bunch of mejoberries for a fast tame limit. Get a club or some sort of bonker. Bonk it to sleep. Feed it the mejoberries. Protect it at all cost. Once awakened, name it. That is how to tame a dodoโฆ the hard way. (P.S if you ever struggle, trap it with thatch.)
From what I have heard you can breed dodos to be so big you can ride without saddle, or you can breed so small it can sit on your shoulder. Working on breeding them big. To breed small/big then just breed your biggest/smallest dodos together. Hope this helps. if helpful ๐, if unhelpful ๐