ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Dodos are quite easy to tame, and have few uses, but here’s a guide anyway.
1. Find a dodo, they are found on the southwest, south, and southeast beaches, sometimes they are in the jungle next to the beaches.
2. Easiest way to knock out a dodo is to use fists, however it’s sometimes problematic with high level high health dodos, so I recommend a club or slingshot. Tranq arrows are kind of a waste, and can kill the dodo depending on level. No trap is needed because the player is able to outrun the dodo
3. Mejos work great, and won’t really affect the effectiveness so I recommend those, you won’t need narcs, and it is a quick tame, so just sit by it until it’s up
Happy taming!
P.S. I’m making an in depth taming guide for every creature in ark, so check those out, all my tips have this format and end in Happy taming! If these are helpful, please raise it to the top so it can help more people