The Dodo Chronicles: Chapter (4): The Third Objective.

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The Dodo Chronicles: Chapter (4): The Third Objective.

I was up and ready to start task 3, to tame a carnivore. Me and Dodo Dude went to the area we saw the diplodocus, only we went farther. We came to an all new river and saw a raptor. I had a bola and club with me. The raptor saw me and charged.

I threw my bola, but it missed. The raptor pounced at me. I got away but I realized Dodo Dude was still fighting the raptor! I new this would end badly, so I ran to help but it was too late. The raptor picked him up with its jaws and threw him! I was horror struck. I went to see him, and his tag confirmed my fears. He was dead.

At that moment I went to avenge Dodo Dude. I killed that raptor. I made a grave for poor Dodo Dude.

To Be Continued . . .

PS: give an up for poor Dodo Dude.๐Ÿ˜ข

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