ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Survival Evolved
Chapter 1: Awakening
Tyrion awoke on a sandy beach, the sun light blinding him. He slowly got to his feet as he struggled to recover. He blinked rapidly in attempt to get the sand out of his eyes. He look around, trying to get his bearings, as he tried to remember how he got there. His train of thought was de-railed as he was brought into shock by a towering creature standing before him.
He shortly snapped back into reality and quietly said to himself. “ThThat ccouldnt be… ” He gently approached the massive animal. “An… an apatosaurus… hhow… ” he stammered. As he walked forward, he tripped on a stone and fell. His wrist hit another stone when he hit the sandy floor. “Ow! That was… painfull… “ he trailed off as he looked at his wrist. There was a small, black, diamond shaped alloy implanted in it. The mid rim of the alloy glowed a faint orange color. “Wha… what? What is this thing?” He tried scratching it off, but it remained in his wrist. “Stuck like glue.” he thought. He then further examined the area. It was clear that he was on a small branch of land sticking out of the shore line of an enormous island. To his sides, he saw two large rivers. Behind the apatosaurus was a huge jungle of palm trees. Behind himself was a great ocean. He thought as hard as he could to remember how he got there, but his memory wouldn’t return to him. “What is this place?” he thought. “And how did I get here?”
— The Wyvern King