Jurassic Park: Death of Denis
Jurassic Park: Death of Denis
In the jungles of Isla Nublar, a Jurassic Park jeep is stuck in the brush. Rain pours down from the black, starless sky as Denis Nedry, who just cut the power to the park (leading to almost all of the assets escaping), tries to get his escape vehicle out of the shallow mud hole. Since pushing it clearly wasn’t working, he took the wench, trudged down a light muddy slope, and went to attach the wench to a nearby tree. As he was wrapping it around, a high pitched warble could be heard from the bushes right next to him. Out jumped a small dinosaur with twin crests on its head.
“Oh, oh I thought you were one of your big brothers. Your not so bad, your not so bad. Nice dinosaur.” He climbs back up to his jeep. Half way there he stops, and turns around. Its right behind him. “Ugh.” He picks up a stick. “Hey you want the stick?” He starts waving it around. “Stick? Stick? Stick Stupid.” He throws the stick. “Fetch the stick boy! Yeah! You like the stick?”
It does nothing. “Eh, no wonder your extinct.” He starts walking towards the jeep once more.
“Im gunna run you over when I come back down.” As he was almost at the jeep, he trips and falls forward. He turns over on his side, and the dino is right in front of him. “What now?” It opens its jaws revealing roughly 60 razor like teeth. Two large fins unfold from its neck as it starts shrieking. It then spits a blob of black goo on his chest. “What the…!” He stumbles to his feet and makes a break for the jeep door. before he opens it, he turns around one more time. He takes a gob of black venom to the eyes. “AAAHHH!!!” He hurries into the jeep. Breathing heavily he attempts to activate the wench. He turns to the front passenger seat, to find the dinosaur was sitting right next to him. “No NOOOO-!!!” His screams of terror went unheard however, as the dilophosaurus feasted upon its victim.