ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Taming & KO Tips
How do I tame a dimetrodon? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a dimetrodon.
Hey to the person who said to all the dino nerds out there the glider dino in the redwoods is the first link to dinos and birds
A 55lv takes 200 Narcotics 35min with Reg Kibble
Tame he from mutton NOT TAME FROM KIBLE to tame her from kible your need Tame quetzal and 30 prime jerky
seriously? From HER!
If taming bring lots of narcotics (torpor drops very quickly
Unless your tribe admins are holding a gun to your head, wait until you can use kibble. It's not worth the stress of using meat. Bary is an easy tame compared to this.
I’m not sure when it was updated, but these can now (May 2018) be picked up by an Argy as well as Quetz. This makes taming them much easier as it can be picked out of the swamp earlier, and the random imprint kibble easier to get!
You should check your surroundings for kapros and titanoboas before trying to tame.
Please. PLEASE don’t make the same mistake I did. I spent 30 minutes raging and chasing these guys down on my argy in THE SWAMP, trying to pick them up. Then learning you can’t pick them up with argies on mobile, even though the DODODEX says they can. When you can pick up raptors and kapros and an abundance of other things that are bigger than a dime
This thing wakes up as if I didn’t shove all my narcotics down it’s throat just you try to tame them bring a lot of narcotics
For ark mobile just have things to build a pen around it when it is knocked out and request it (to request dinos got to the player menu and there should be a button that says “tames” above your stats, press that and tap a Dino’s name and a button that has “request” will be able to be pressed you will not miss the request button, also requesting dinos tp’s them to the bed that you/ your tribe own that is CLOSEST TO THE DINO NOT THE PLAYER)
Recent update means torpor time is much longer (4x?) than it says here
You can knock it out by a wooden club
Don’t try to tame unless you have at least tranq arrows. Bats need you to get close, let alone the 15% chance of death.
Bring a friend. Because if you have to leave for the bathroom you won't make it back in time.
If you think you have enough narcotic, bring a couple hundred more just in case. If you aren't using Quetz eggs, bring a couple thousand more.
Need way more narcotic if no boosted server...more than dododex says!
The higher the level, the more torpor. Fill up torpor by 1,000s. For example a level 150 has about 7,400 torpor. Wait till it drops to 1,000 then pump 6,000 worth of torpor(150 narcotics). That’ll give you about a 20 minute window to do what you need to do till it gets up to 7,000 and drop again. Rinse and repeat. If you KO a low level it won’t even have 2,000 torpor so it’s about 5 minutes for the torpor to rise before you have to pump more in. Have tribe mate bring mutton. Or kite it to your base with a fridge/preserving bin full of mutton and KO in there ;)
If you have time, high level is worth it. They’ll have more health and food so they’ll survive starvation, “accidents”, friendly fire, etc. better than a low level would. Plus, easier to raise :D
Best way to tame these. Are to get a steg to gather narcoberries, get more than u need. I needed around 7 stacks for a lvl 25 tame. Let the topor run down till around 400. Then force feed 100 berries at a time. Hope this helps.
I used Narcoberries instead of Narcotics, made it a whole lot easier pump like 200 berries and your good for 5 minutes