ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Rate Tips
The higher the level, the more torpor. Fill up torpor by 1,000s. For example a level 150 has about 7,400 torpor. Wait till it drops to 1,000 then pump 6,000 worth of torpor(150 narcotics). That’ll give you about a 20 minute window to do what you need to do till it gets up to 7,000 and drop again. Rinse and repeat. If you KO a low level it won’t even have 2,000 torpor so it’s about 5 minutes for the torpor to rise before you have to pump more in. Have tribe mate bring mutton. Or kite it to your base with a fridge/preserving bin full of mutton and KO in there ;)
If you have time, high level is worth it. They’ll have more health and food so they’ll survive starvation, “accidents”, friendly fire, etc. better than a low level would. Plus, easier to raise :D