ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

To the one who said that we have to carefully not leaving him on agressiv, while incubate eggs
Why would you ever set this poor and easily killed on agressive ?
It would be destroyed within secondes, by almost everything wandering around
More Dimetrodon Utility Tips
You CAN carry them with an argy on the new mobile version, I just did it.
Please, please, please make sure itβs not on aggressive when youβre using it to hatch an egg. It will it eat it the moment it hatches! R.I.P my baby raptor. It was so young );
No one wrote this but the higher the damage the better it is for incubating eggs
To who ever said donβt leave it on aggressive name it Anakin because he killed a youngling
It is basically a portable AC unit, the more melee damage you put into it, the better it is at being an AC.
Can be used as air conditioners when trying to incubate eggs. For larger eggs you will need more dimetrodons
I think the devs should add the feature that food in a Dimetrodonβs inventory lasts twice as long as in other dinosaurs inventory, e.g. raw prime meat cause they act as an AC
If you put it on aggressive with Kairuku set to breeding, it will eat the babies and store the polymer in its inventory. Easy organic poly farm!
These guys make really great organic poly farms beyond their hatching ability. Plus, they're my favorite and I'll use them over an incubator any day <3
Here's a decently easy poly farm setup that I use every time :
Set up a 4x4 or 5x5 foundation, two walls high all around it with a door somewhere for you to access the Dimes. On the top of the walls - very top - place just one ring of QUARTER ceilings around the edge and leave the middle open (should be roughly a 3x3 or 4x4 opening, depending on your foundation size).
On the inner opening you've left, place down roofs angled into the center, making a kind of chute. Viola, you've got the 'factory' for your poly farm.
From there tame two to four male Kairuku and as many females as you'd like - I usually do 4 chicks per dude. Here's the tricky part though, you'll need to toss the birds onto the ledge you've made, males directly across from each other (opposite walls) and females spaced around between them (mine is usually one dude, four chicks, one dude, repeat). Once they're in place, toss a hitching post down on each side (4 total), lock them up and start the mating. Don't forget a feeding trough for them. Sometimes the eggs are stupid and don't drop so they rot up top, but if you check on it now and then and toss the eggs down, you should be fine.
Inside the structure on the bottom under the ramped roofs, toss your Dimetrodon(s) and set them to aggressive. Max their melee and toss a few in weight for good measure. Bam - poly farm. They'll massacre the babies as they hatch, collect poly and eat the meat - their natural AC capabilities help keep the poly from spoiling too fast so you have time to clear them out and not lose much if at all. Also a good way to get prime meat since that's mostly what babies drop.
I sometimes have a hitch where the eggs don't go down, I've found removing the ramps completely helps so if you're on a laggy official, I'd just skip the ramp part.
Hope this helps someone out there!
- Nora