ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

It’s size should be 30x bigger than it’s own size, bigger than raptors, should be the size of 3 tanks or something…-Pablo
More Dilophosaur Everything Else Tips
I hate these things there always spawning by my base loft my iguanidan to one death to dilos!
They should add a bigger version of dilos that are th sizes of Barys and are rideable but cannot spit venom and doesn’t have a frill but much faster if these dilos get added they should be a mid between raptors and baryonyx and Carnos
Ment lost not loft also they're only use is carrying stuff !!!!!
I highly recommend this tame they are more loyal then anything else on this earth they will attack anything you attack or what attacks you even if it's a giga or a Rex they will protect you with their lives and will protect your tames
How to tame
1. Find and kill dodo for meat
2. Craft a club
3. Find a dilo
4. Beat the sh*t out of it
5. Feed meat when its unconcious
How to be strong;step 1;get 30 of these dilos
Step2;find a victim
Step 3;hide
Step 4;ambush the victim!
Like a dog, dumb, yet clever, if you have a dog you should know
2 stegos ganged up on my dilophosaurus called Pea Shooter came back with a level 200 rex with 800 melee and killed everything because they killed my Peashooter!!! R.I.P PeaShooter you will be missed
Anyone use these for boss fights?
Real life fact:
Diliphosaurs in Ark are rather inaccurate. They were inspired off of the Dilophosaur in Jurassic Park. In real life Dilophosaurs were way larger, about the size of an Ark raptor or even bigger. Also, it didn’t have the neck frill that opens when the Dilophosaur is about to spit it’s venom. Speaking of venom, this dinosaur didn’t spit venom, nor what’s it in any way venomous. It was basically a slower raptor.
Btw, the name „Dilophosaur“ means „Two-crested-lizard“ because of the two crests on it’s head. The exact use of these crests in unknown, but the most known theories are:
-(unlikely) the crests were used to fight over territory or females in headbutting contests
-(rather likely) the crests were used to attract mates