ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If you plan on breeding these make sure you have plenty of meat they eat like gigas
More Deinosuchus Taming & KO Tips
You can find Deinosuchus primarily in the swamp biome. Here’s the best way to tame one:
1. Find a high level one
2. Pick a spot near them use as your taming grounds
3. Clear out the trees and all creatures (they will distract the deino between feedings)
4. Grab the deino’s aggro with your flyer and lead it to the cleared space, then fly straight up
5. Collect prime meat from nearby animals (they spoil faster in your inventory than your flyer’s
6. Wait for the deino to stop, sit down, and open its mouth with a hissing sound
7. Then land your flyer (leave it in passive mode), approach the deino’s mouth from the side and feed it the prime meat (do not touch it!)
8. Quickly run back to your flyer and go up the avoid being bitten
9. Repeat steps 5 - 8 until tamed
P.S. Accidentally attacking or aggroing the deino won’t lower taming efficiency
Hardly a challenge in a TEK suit. Feed it (while its jaws are open) and fly up in the air until it stops aggro on you and wait until it opens its mouth again..
Put food in last slot and feed it after it opens its mouth and hisses. It’ll chomp down if you do it right, sometimes the prompt doesn’t work but you can still feed it. Then run away and wait about 30sec and try again. If your not dying your doing it right. Good luck
Big Hank
Ever wonder why no one uses anything but superior kibble?
Dododex lies
Get a flyer(pteranodon is enough) and put meat in your last slot, and when it opens it's mouth while not attacking anything run to it and press E(you must be level 70 to tame it)
For those curious, yes you can drop deinosuchus in a pen and still passive tame it. I just tamed a level 140 this way in ASA, using a quetzal to airlift. Pen was 3x3 and 2 walls high (I switched the walls to single doorways, don't know if that mattered). About half its body will clip out of the pen, so you can access the head without going inside the pen.
It would hiss, open its mouth, and I'd come up near its head from the side to feed it quickly. Once you're close enough to the head look back towards its neck/body a little to see the Feed prompt. It chomps down when you feed it, then tries to chase you. Just step away from the pen and wait for it to settle down. Wait for it to hiss and open its mouth again. Rinse and repeat.
Only issue I had was the gator sat there completely motionless for several minutes until I went near her and got her to aggro and move around a bit.
If your not looking to make a trap for this beast,the best thing to do is get your argy and land near as its mouth is opened(NOT WHEN IT IS CHARGING A GIGA BITE).I recommend full ghillie and have superior or better kibble.Crouch towards it and feed it near the mouth.If it doesn’t instantly tame run back to your argy and repeat.Hopes this helps!
You have to be level 70 to even try to tame one
If you are trying to tame one on the center if it is near the snow area I suggest bringing it towards the lower part because there are little dinos near it and the deinosuchus should be able to kill anything that might mess with you. Once you do this bring it towards rocks and it should get stuck and should be very easy to tame as long as you have kibble.