ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Hardly a challenge in a TEK suit. Feed it (while its jaws are open) and fly up in the air until it stops aggro on you and wait until it opens its mouth again..
I was once afraid of titanosaurs until I tamed this monster. Me and my friend are playing on a non cheat world and tamed 2 145 deinos and they ended up being lv 214. We bred them and got imprinted ones and took them out to fight a titanosaur (I didn’t think it was a good idea but my friend told me we got it). So we both mega chomp it and run. Turns out the broken bones debuff they apply does the same amount of damage the mega bite does every half a second and the titanosaur died in just 2 hits. He gave our deinos 40 levels and we are no longer in fear of titanosaurs.
Found on Extinction near the lake in the Snow biome.
Put food in last slot and feed it after it opens its mouth and hisses. It’ll chomp down if you do it right, sometimes the prompt doesn’t work but you can still feed it. Then run away and wait about 30sec and try again. If your not dying your doing it right. Good luck
Big Hank
This thing is awesome!! Surprisingly fun and easy to tame. When it chases you with its mouth open like a baby bird its so silly, just dont get bit! This thing is a beast on land and the sea, swims pretty fast and you can coast on the surface without diving. Even stand on the back if need be. 10/10 totally recommend taming this massive beast. Im from Florida and i approve this Gator 👍
For those curious, yes you can drop deinosuchus in a pen and still passive tame it. I just tamed a level 140 this way in ASA, using a quetzal to airlift. Pen was 3x3 and 2 walls high (I switched the walls to single doorways, don't know if that mattered). About half its body will clip out of the pen, so you can access the head without going inside the pen.
It would hiss, open its mouth, and I'd come up near its head from the side to feed it quickly. Once you're close enough to the head look back towards its neck/body a little to see the Feed prompt. It chomps down when you feed it, then tries to chase you. Just step away from the pen and wait for it to settle down. Wait for it to hiss and open its mouth again. Rinse and repeat.
Only issue I had was the gator sat there completely motionless for several minutes until I went near her and got her to aggro and move around a bit.
If you plan on breeding these make sure you have plenty of meat they eat like gigas
These CAN be picked up by the wyverns. I dont know about Crystal or Ice wyverns or Voidwyrms since they’re not in ASA yet but I know for a fact that Fire, Lightning and Poison wyverns can pick them up.
If your not looking to make a trap for this beast,the best thing to do is get your argy and land near as its mouth is opened(NOT WHEN IT IS CHARGING A GIGA BITE).I recommend full ghillie and have superior or better kibble.Crouch towards it and feed it near the mouth.If it doesn’t instantly tame run back to your argy and repeat.Hopes this helps!
I won’t recommend the deinosuchus over the basilosaurus but I’ve been using these guys to go into the underwater caves on the island and have found success in getting their artifacts. If you try these guys out, make sure their stats are good, they’re imprinted and give them the best saddle you can manage. While in the caves, kill any jellyfish that get too close before they stun you, use the maga-bite to help clear out swarms of creatures, DON’T aggro any dunkleosteus at all cost and avoid the Xiphactinus if you can help it! Do this and you should be fine.
You have to be level 70 to even try to tame one
If you are trying to tame one on the center if it is near the snow area I suggest bringing it towards the lower part because there are little dinos near it and the deinosuchus should be able to kill anything that might mess with you. Once you do this bring it towards rocks and it should get stuck and should be very easy to tame as long as you have kibble.
Rates are incorrect took 52 Raw Prime Meat to tame a level 140 on small tribes. Finished tame was level 201.
To effectively tame the Deinosuchus, the crocodilian stronger than a Rex and better equipped underwater than a Spino;
1. Look for them around the swamp biomes (at least on The Island), they usually can defeat any other Dino, so these guys are usually crawling all over the place, they’re the kings of the swamp.
2. Using FULL GHILLIE, as well as preferably bringing a shield and bug repellent, make sure to crouch walk towards the deinosuchus when it does the opening mouth animation and sitting still. Walking/Running up to it will result in getting detected, however proning is far too slow, so crouch when within 8-10 meters.
3. Using preferably kibble (as even mutton or prime meat will be slower than you’d expect) put it in your last slot and get ready to hand feed it like you would a passive tame. When you feed it, its mouth will slam shut. If you did it right, you won’t get obliterated (hold up shield in case it chomps down and you may yet survive), and there will even be a 3-4 second window where you can run preferably 20 meters away and it won’t aggro.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until tamed
1. Pick the Deinosuchus of your choice with your flyer.
2. Have a pre-constructed trap box at your base or wherever you like.
3. Fly to your trap box and drop it in, make sure box is big enough.
4. Now you can easily tame it in a safe, controlled setting.
Congratulations! You have tamed one of the strongest boss killers in the game! Good luck with your taming, and don’t get chomped!
Don’t let it give you a love nibble
They spawn near the river of green obelisk
I used to be afraid of the ocean biome in this game. But after getting this bad boy??? NOT ANYMORE.
Say hello to your brand spanking new and indispensable sea mount! This creature is no joke at all. That giga bite is also not to be trifled with and can be used to DEVASTATING effect. I have been caught in the middle of swarms of Megalodon and Plesiosaurs multiple times and this animal hung in there and took care of them pretty dang well. Deinosuchus can and will kill Mosaurus as well but watch out for those high level ones of course! This mega gator also dispatches alphas pretty easily (Alpha Raptors are a nonissue but it takes way more effort to kill a high level Alpha Meg though. Proceed with caution!).
I recommend pumping up health and melee and maybe some weight especially if you’re doing any expeditions and away from your base for a bit. The higher the level you can find, the better! My strongest one has around 70k+ health and around 600 melee and he is the goat.
Tldr; Wildcard, please NEVER nerf this thing.