ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Just climb a cliff and u will be safe just like me, or also shoot it with a bow or any ranged weapon and kill it, I level up by killing a carno
More Carnotaurus Encountering Tips
I'm playing mobile. My base is on the western peninsula by the red obelisk. There's a level 240 alpha carno chilling across the water from me. She has 46k health. God please save me.
If you get one aggro on you, just find the nearest dino and book it. They are kinda tarded and lose interest when other dinos are nearby.
Whoever said “tame a jerboa and use it as carno bait,” you are a monster.
This monster doesn’t deserve being tamed. Kill it.
So back when i was a new ark player i tamed 8 raptors just for defense, later on i spotted an alpha carno walking down the beach towards my base, and not wanting my newly tamed sarco, and trike to die, I did something any normal person with 8 raptors would do. Me and the pack and charged into battle, lets just say i lost all but one, Silver. Shes still alive today and happy, And we did kill the alpha carno.
My friend who is a noob was playing with me on mobile. I was helping them not die. I turn my Head for ONE second and they got killed by a carno. So, yes….. they thought it was a parasaur……how?
Me: let’s go get some fish!
Me: sees spino.
Me: oh no! Goes the other way.
Caro: zooms in from nowhere.
Me: runs.
Carno: is speed.
me: thank you massive dino.
Get a jerboa and name it carno bait, if one aggros on you, toss it and boogie
Use high level trike to kill alpha or normal carno by its knockback
Bastards killed my christmas coloured argie. RIP Peppernint.