An unknown world by Dino nerd
An unknown world by Dino nerd
Shush do you hear that micro the micro raptor said I smell eggs replied feather. The two micro raptors Rome through the woods following the smell of eggs, but when they got to the nest, it was only one egg so they decided they could share it so they grabbed the egg and left before the mother came back. this is gonna be the best meal ever said micro I mean carchar Eggs, these are rare to find let’s eat it now but just before micro could bite into the egg it cracked, micro said, hey, did you crack it feather no feather replied, but then, if I didn’t crack it what did, and suddenly the top of the eggshell popped off micro said well there goes our chance of food and a baby carchar popped out of the last bit of the egg, micro and feather screamed as they ran away and the baby said hey come back where am I and the baby didn’t know what to do she scaredly said. To herself where am I and luckily her mother found her and grabbed her by her head sale, saying you need to hatch sooner and oh wait, you can’t hatch any more because you already did silly me. You should’ve called me, the baby replied I didn’t know I had a mommy. Of course you had a mommy how would you have an egg to pop out of without a mommy? Oh, OK I get it now I wouldn’t exist without you, then replied the baby. The mother said I think it’s time you get a name you’re covered in spots maybe you should be speckles speckles said I like that name then she asked can you get me some food please mommy I’m hungry, especially after waking up in the middle of nowhere seeing all sorts of foods. Now I’m making myself hungry. The mother knew just the thing to give speckles The mother found just before speckles hatched. The mother found a bottle of wyvern milk when speckles tasted it she never wanted to let go of the bottle until it was empty and the milk was so calming for speckles. She soon fell asleep, and the mother said it is high time I get a nap to. and then tragedy struck a giga, found the nest and saw it as a perfect opportunity to take place as the new emperor of the dinosaurs, and in speckles mothers sleep, the giga had an opportunity to drag the mother somewhere, where no dinosaur could ever find her. When speckles woke up, she gasped. She looked around for her mommy, and then noticed the giga, dragging her mother away. Speckles yelled for her mother the giga could hear, but could not see where speckles whas so speckles has the perfect opportunity to bring down the giga, but she is too young, so she needs to practice, but does speckles know that. find out episode two on giga I hope you enjoy my stories