ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Bring 10 Rex’s 2 yutys 3 pigs all your friends and 5 bug killers
More Broodmother Lysrix Encountering Tips
Rexes, Rexes, more Rexes, bring rocket launchers, bring friends with rocket launchers.......and Rexes.
How to beat the Broodmother!
Caves, Artifacts, and Tributes
Tributes and artifacts you need:
Gamma Difficulty (Easiest):
Artifact of the Massive
Artifact of the Hunter
Artifact of the Clever
Beta difficulty (medium):
Same artifacts as gamma
5x Argentavis Talon (Argentavis)
5x Sarco Skin (Sarco)
5x Saurpod Vertabra (Brontos and Diplos)
5x Titanoboa Venom (Titanoboa)
Alpha difficulty (hardest):
Same artifacts as gamma and beta
10x Argentavis Talon (Argentavis)
10x Sarco Skin (Sarco)
10x Saurpod Vertabra (Brontos and Diplos)
10x Titanoboa Venom (Titanoboa)
Artifact of the Massive
Coordinates: 70.9, 86.3
Recommend mount: Thylacoleo
Notes: In this cave you want to take every right turn until you meet the artifact at the end of the cave. This cave has titanoboas, scorpions, araneo, and the occasional arthro. Also, has anyone else somehow had dilos spawn in this cave too? You may need to break some crystals to get a Thylacoleo through some places in the cave.
Artifact of the Hunter
Coordinates: 80.0 53.5
Recommended mount: Thylacoleo, direwolf
Notes: While in this cave you need to take every left turn until you reach the artifact. This cave has titanoboas, scorpions, araneos, and sometimes arthros
Artifact of the Clever
Coordinates: 41.6, 46.5
Recommended mount: Thylacoleo, direwolf
Notes: Take every left turn you can make to get to the artifact. This cave has titanoboas, scorpions, araneos, and a pretty good amount of arthros.
The Boss Fight
Recommended Setup
Attack creatures: Megatheriums or rexes
Notes: When a megatherium kills an insect/arachnid, which is the Broodmother’s minions, they get a giant buff that increases their attack damage by a LOT.
Support creatures: 1-2 yutyrannus and 1-2 daeodons
Notes: Yutyrannus courage roar can increases attack damage by a good amount, so combined with megatherium insect buff, you can melt through the boss. Daeodons heal all Dino’s on your team mid fight. You can only bring 20 Dino’s to the fight though, so I would recommend 2 daeodons, 1 yuty, and 17 megatheriums.
(This is not needed but I’d recommend it) Put your attack creatures on a different ordering group than support creatures so that the support creatures don’t attack and possibly get killed by the boss.
Before starting the boss fight put all dinosaurs to passive so you can mount your Yuty, and this will be your mount for the boss fight.
Whistle your Dino’s on attack your target and whistle to attack the Broodmother. You and your daeodons should stay back from the boss as much as possible. The attack Dino’s will do the work.
Courage roar the megatheriums with your yuty to buff them throughout the entire fight.
(Also not needed but recommended) Bring a shotgun or assault rifle to do extra damage to the boss.
You’ve now defeated the Broodmother!
Bring 19 Megatherium and 1 Yutyrannus. Can and will kill Lysrix on any difficulty.
Replace 1 Mega with a Daeodon for more survivability.
You can bring megatheriams 2 yutys some daedons and I will reccomend some argos I picked these is because the argos can't AGGRO and do a huge amount of damage and with the yuty roar buff they can make them more stronger the megatheriams cause they get a big buff when they kill bugs and with the yuty they can be even stronger the daedons cause they can heal you and you can kill the gamma the beta and the alpha with these tips(please like this cause this is my first time posting a review)hope this was helpful
For this fight, you will need to bring 19 high level megatheriums and one high level yutyrannus. You will also need good saddles and the BEST armour you can get from this fight. The entrance to the fight is the Green Obelisk Terminal, which is located at the co-ordinates, 589723. The megatheriums get an insane strength buff from killing insects. If you bring a yutyrannus to encourage them, their attack and defence will increase by 20% which is vital for fighting this boss.
The Artifact Of The Clever: 416466
Follow the path and turn left every time until you reach a water chamber, where the artifact is.
The Artifact Of The Hunter: 800535
Literally go to the left every time, jump off a little ledge and bam. You've found the artifact. (Simple as lol 😆)
The Artifact Of The Massive: 707862
There are a lot of dangerous jumps you have to make in this cave, so you are going to stick to the right, every single time, until it leads you to the artifact at the end of this cave.
You will also need 4 Tribute items:
1 Argentavis Talon
1 Sarcosuchus Skin
1 Sauropod Vertebrae
1 Titanoboa Venom
Set all dinos to passive, before entering the arena, and once you have entered the arena, immediately ride your yuty and set your dinos to attack your target. (Remember to use the courage roar from your yutyrannus, in order to buff your megatheriums!)
Once you have defeated a boss, you will unlock tekgrams for tek construction and you will unlock 25% of the tek armour.
And also, remember to store your alpha/beta trophy safely, because you will need that later, for the overseer boss.
Stop saying to bring rexs, megatheriums are the optimal Dino for this fight. 17 megatheriums, 2 daedons, and a yuty should be able to take down Alpha Broodmother with low casualties. (With good stats of course)
I'm going in with 6-7 megatheriums 9 bears and a daedon I'm midgame wish me luck
So I’m going for my first ever run on the Brood I’m taking 10 Rex 2 Uty Rex 3 Deodons and 5 Megatheriums all over 200 lvl I should be ok I hope ! I think I have covered all the bases ! Rex Tanks and Dan UtyRex constant Agro Buff The Megas get the Insect buff and the Deos heal everyone ! Feel free to leave feedback I’m nervous lol
This is my first time fighting the broodmother, i went for the gamma first, i brought 2 high level + stat megatheriums and 1 high level rex with 25 k health and 900% melee, both megatheriums have 15k health and 850% damage, i melted her within 4 minutes, idk why ppl were exaggerating her 😭🙏 but ik beta and alpha is hard so i'mma bring more creatures next time, Sanatboi over and out....
In order to defeat the Broodmother u have to take in mind evey aspect of the fight, so I recommend always going for gamma first, just so you know what to expect, never underestimatw the Broodmother, its one of the bosses and way stronger than ANY wild dino. A yutirannus is very helpfull for buffing your team, if u can ALWAYS take a tribemate that is around your level, some dinos are way better when being ridden. I personally suggest a pack of high level deynonichuses (only on Valguero) with high health and stamina, because they can jump and cling on to the Broodmother to constantly do bleed damage at the cost of stamina, while also being able to bite it. All the dinos other people recommend are good, but make sure u have the basics : a bunch of high damage high health dinos, a creature with the ability to buff allies, and 1-2 healers, and some of your personal picks :) Good luck survivor !