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How to beat genisis 2 ok here it is guys!!!

Plz like I’m not getting any income without mentioning that sry.

Day 1 . Make tools ( stone )

Day 2. Make base ( thatch or wood)

Day 3 . Tame begingame tame ( parasor , iguionidon )

Day 4. Explore with jet pack!

Day 5. Make smithy

Day 6 . Make armor

Day 7. Make fabricator

Day 8. Make sniper rifle

Day 9-16 . Beat caves for artifacts

Day 17-28. Enter gamma boss fights

Day 29-49. Enter beta boss fights

Day 41-70. Enter alpha boss fights

Day 71-100. Reach max survived lvl !!

Day 101-129. Tame ranked tames( giga , Rex , yuty , bloodsatalker( needs blood pack) )

Day 130-190 beat ark !!!!!!!!!😇😇😇😇😇

Next tip about scorched on dragon boss artical!

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