ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Megatheruim are just as good as rexes in this fight so bring an army of one or the other but the sloth bois will give you a TON of chitin after the battle which is great for making ascendant chitin gear and saddles.
More Broodmother Lysrix Utility Tips
Take lots of stimulants. Her spider minions do torpor!
THERES A CHIBI BROODMOTHER!!!!!! GET IT IN TURKEY TRIALS AND GO GET A LOT OF WISHBONES THEN GET A COOKING POT and put the wishbones in the pot and get rare chibi it's in there just wait
Broodmother is the easiest boss in my opinion. Remember to bring a yutyrannis along with a bundle of Rex's. Just a good strat.
Brood killer
1 daedon
1 yt
18 megatheriums
It heals that was interesting.
First tame a megladon an make scuba gear then go to gen and do the mission hide and sink on alpha 5 times it will give you 50 to 80 armor saddles you will now need 5 Rex's should be 70k life and 1500 melee go kill her on alpha with confidence that you shouldn't even loose a rex have fun making that tec rep
I recommend people who have a high and server bring reaper Kings instead of Rexβs with some Daedons and yutis for a easier fight, especially good if ur on a race for tek gear.
Spiders shoot webs
Ring two reppers with high Melee STM and health