ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Do not feed It with meat while on the deeps, It damages instead of healing the basilo, but when at medium depths and on the surface the meat will heal them normally, Upboot If you found this useful, i learned by myself.
More Basilosaurus Utility Tips
Just One of the OBRIGATORY TAMES FOR ANY TRIBE! It can be used for different objectives, Like farming oil(Yes, he have the ability to produce natural oil!) And farming biotoxine, once it isnt affected by the stun effect of the jellyfishes. Itβs a greater defence than a Megalodon, due to itβs HUGE hp and moderated damage. Also, it protects you from high and low temperatures, then you can explore the ocean at night too! Simply One of the BEST tames for solo! 0% Hype, 1000% useful!
Even if you donβt have the saddle Engram for it you can use it as a way to get free oil π±π±π±π±. Like so low level ppl can see
Good for farming bio toxin, as it can attack Cnidaria without being stunned or knocking off the rider. Takes damage when it goes too deep, though surfacing rapidly heals it.
A great beginner tame, once you have an icthyosaurus, you can swim up to it and passive tame it. I just tamed one, and less than 5 minutes after I tamed a level 4, itβs killed 2 megalodons and 4 mantas. Like so noobs and beach bobs can see.
Good fighter, immune to jellies, supernatural healing boost at the surface, produces oil in its inventory, impervious to squid grabs, looks kinda cute too, only one bad thing about it: it gets squashed in the deep! Only slowly but the damage is there!
Can kill squid like their kin in real life. Tame a 150 and you can take on alphas like they are regular ones. Just up health and memes. They recover steam so quick boosting it is pointless. An all around amazing creature, 10/10.
One of The most stupidly overpowered water Dino's following Icthyosaurus
1: passive Oil generator (spoils, sadly)
2: high hp and fast regen at surface (lose hp when deep)
3: hypo/hyperthermic insulation when ridden
4: immune to dismount effects and cnidaria stun
5: drops [__]loads of oil when killed, wild or tamed
6: great semi-battle exploration creature
7: saddle unlocks I think before Argentavis
8: little slow, but able to outrun Meg
9; is sea wiener, make human happy
Oh my god it does not get effected my jellyfish this is one of the best creatures ever.
King of the sea. A tuso or mosa will do more damage but you can not be knocked off a basil making them essential for underwater caves which are full of jellies, Eels and even tuso's. They are also the perfect size to navigate through them without getting stuck or having to dismount. If you have a Baryonyx they are very easy tames, just use the AoE spin attack to kill all the Manta's and you can passively tame it at your leisure. Combine their oil with organic poly and water in a cooker to make soap which doesn't expire and can be ground back into oil and organic poly when you need it.