Alphas pack part three with recap, you can skip reading that if you want
Alphas pack part three with recap, you can skip reading that if you want
Alpha in the pack, very very very wrong to bite the weird plant looking thing and after they bit three basilisks came out of the ground. They all screamed and tried to run back to the house, but they didn’t wanna make anything more dangerous for the already injured dinos so they ran away from the house, said we want eggs, fertilized, eggs, many many fertilized eggs, either a rock drake either of magma sore we don’t care which we want the eggs. they screeched as they stopped alpha said I’m sorry, but we don’t have any of the eggs you request but we know of an aberration cave in the Snow region go to where the lightning crystals are. The basilisk said we do not care which eggs we want them right now we will not travel far. We want the eggs we want the eggs now we will not travel far to collect the eggs ourselves. Bring us the eggs and we will protect you from predator. alpha said this would be a great defense, but we have to travel all the way to the snow and that’s quite far for the rock drake eggs, but the magma eggs or even further and hotter death said I’ve encountered the same basilisks before we can’t trust them. I came back with like 100 rock drake and magma eggs but that still didn’t do anything they slithered off with the eggs laughing at me calling me a dummy we can’t trust them speed said, but I have encountered these guys and they said they would protect me just like they said now and they did it. Maybe it’s because you were juvenile at the time death said hey that’s kind of a mean thing to say. and yes, I was juvenile at the time, but they still promised they pinky promised and you all know what happens when you break a pinky promise don’t you alpha said I don’t know I know what happens when you break the pinky promise maybe they just don’t we can make it sound like a curse death replied oh that’s a good idea so as the Raptors returned with the eggs, the basilisks grabbed the eggs and started to slither off, but alpha said, don’t you even think about it didn’t you make a pinky promise that you defend us after we deliver the eggs? OK yeah we’ll come back later to guard you let’s just eat our feast already alpha replied that is no way to treat a pinky promise. Do you know what happens when you break a pinky promise? The basilisk said no but I don’t think it’s that bad I mean it’s just a pinky promise doesn’t that mean fake promise alpha said oh it does not. It means big time promise like big big time promise if you break a pinky promise, ghost and skeleton, Raptors will hunt you down for the rest of your life, and they will haunt you. in your dreams the basilisks said oh well we didn’t know that would happen. OK will guard you now maybe we should share the eggs alpha and the pack said no no thanks I’ll just hunt down some pterosaurs said suit yourself, and then the Raptors had extra guard as they headed over to find the items they needed to help heal bog, but they had no idea it was guarded by
The next story will tell you what the roots were guarded by it ends at by because the next story is on blood stocker