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How I tamed on mobile (emphasis on “I”)

- place 4 foundation, place a door, build 2 walls high on the foundation (should look like a topless box)

- hop on your argey

- pick up bary with argey

- put bary in box

- K.O. bary (either with tranq thingys or just club it, whatever works for you)

- realize you can only feed it fish

- hop on water mount and swim around hoping to find a whale dude to scrape prime fish off of

- can’t find one so go back to your base to check that bary is still K.O.Ed

- see that bary is still out cold and go fishing

- finally come back with your fishy meat and give it to bary

- watch it absolutely devour the fish in seconds cause it’s starving so it tames really frikn fast (unless they just normally do that lol)

- name your new baryonyx and have fun

Side notes:

I think bary’s are only carry-able in ark mobile

Be prepared (unless you wanna follow the instructions exactly lol)

Thanks for reading this far XD

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