ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

So…I had some drama yesterday…
Me: “I want to tame a bary so I can get oil from the oceans safely!” Hops on argy and looks at spawn map
“OH! There is a spawn not too far from here! It’s in a kinda dangerous area tho…I know! I will just carry it on my argy!” Flys half way there before realizing that barys can’t be carried. “Umm…Ok I will just make a cryopod. All I need is oil…oh. Well I saw a oil vain! How do I get oil from that?” Looks on fandom “ok I need a oil well (or whatever it’s called) and it’s crafted with a fabricator.” Looks at fabricator crafting recipe and reads oil “WELL IF I HAD OIL I WOULDNT NEED A FABRICATOR” starts going insane “I’m ok…I’m ok…” flys around on argy to clear head then heads to lake next to base for water. “Wait…didn’t I see a bary right here…I remember complaining about it…” looks around and sees a bary literally a bronto away from base “hehe I spent all that time being worried about nothing! Wait…I need fish. Brb” gets fish then comes back “WHERE DID THE BARY GO!!!” Sees kapro with low health “😳 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! AFTER ALL THAT THE KAPRO ATE IT!” Kills the saber Sarco and then looks around. “Ok maybe he didn’t die.” Starts talking to self like a mad person. “Here bary bary bary! I just want to be ur friend! I totally won’t shoot you with darts” gives up after about 30 mins and heads home. “Aaa it was such a beautiful bary!” Looks at iggy “YOU KILLED HIM DIDNT YOU!” Gets all crazing then sees somthing by the lake. “Bro you where hiding in the water the whole time!!!” Literally uses one dart to knock bary then tames. “You better be worth it!” Sees he is lvl 20 with trash health and melee “😳”
And that’s the story of Memphis aka the blight of lakes. He is now a higher lvl and a great mount. Lol but his taming story killed me inside 🫣
More Baryonyx Funny Tips
(Ark God's Making The Baryonyx)
God:Faster than a raptor?
Dino Maker: ☑️
God:Faster than a spino in water?
Dino Maker: ☑️
God: Can take out 3 rexes at a time(at the right level)?
Dino Maker: ☑️
God: Never closes it's mouth?
Dino Maker: ☑️
God: Only eats fish meat but decides to eat you?
Dino Maker: ☑️
Dino Maker: Damnnnn that boi gon kill lots of noobs , let's put it on there and watch , you gon make some popcorn ARK God?
The End. Sorry I'm just rlly bored rn XD Imma go play some ARK later! Ty for reading! ❤️
I had one Barry but we and the giga named big Tommy kept a boundary but one day the tommy came down from the mountain and kill Barry destroyed my base and one Rex lived because I made him run so me and my brother loaded our crossbows and went giga hunting he got To proud big Tommy thinking he could take on the ocean but got stuck on the rock we knocked him out made a grave stone for berry and put Tommy to work
Once I tamed a Baryonyx and a wild one came to me it had same color as my Baryonyx, it started to follow me and I was like wait a minute I didn’t put my Baryonyx on follow, all of a sudden it it started attacking me, my Baryonyx tried to save me and died it’s name was “ fish” r.i.p fish
One up 👆= 1 prayer for fish 🐠 🐟 🎣