ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Use a velonasaur, as its turret attack can outrange their spit. Also aim for the head to do extra damage!
More Arthropluera Encountering Tips
DO NOT ENGAGE OR YOU WILL DIE! I was hunting araneos when this thing came out of nowhere and three shot me! All my dimorphs were literally devoured when I came back. It is like centipedes in real life but instead of killing you slowly with poison it kills you with bites quickly. Do not equip anything lower than Chitin or you will get one shot.
Stay TF back. Bug repellant and ghillie seems like your best option. Also, a longbow and a lot of distance. If it spots you, duck and weave MF, duck and weave!
They CANNOT attack you while in the water!!!
He protec
He attac
But most importantly he says good bye to your flak
bows and guns is your best friend
also melee it if you're tired of living
I've never seen one of these. I just wanted to let you know that.
Don't attack with sword or it broken soon
Never use melee weapon
That's suicide.
FYI: They delete metal weapons durability way fast so go with a Long neck rifle and shoot from a distance, close combat with them in a tight spot equals death
How to always win against arthropluera
dont go in caves