ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Lead on down from the mountains into a trap. That trap is a bunch of Dino gates lined up with one person on the ground. Only put actual gates on the end gates. Fly through have the ground person close the gate behind you then close the other gate. Then when it is trapped tranqu it. Hope this helped
More Argentavis Taming & KO Tips
a few things about argentavis:
1. they are super useful as they have a 50% weight reduction on metal,crystal and obsidian
2. they can pick up medium sized dinos like the parasaur or raptor
3.whenever they eat corpses,they get a rapid regeneration that heals them fast as heck
1:found in arctic and mountain areas which are both dangerous
2: flys slow
3:their saddle unlocks at lvl 62
i spent a lot of time writing this
1. Dodo
2. Dilophosaur
3. Compsognathus (Compy)
4. Kairuku
5. Oviraptor
6. Pegomastax
7. Archaeopteryx
8. Jerboa
9. Pteranodon
10. Raptor
11. Iguanodon
12. Kaprosuchus
13. Gallimimus
14. Hyaenodon
15. Mesopithecus
16. Microraptor
17. Pachycephalosaurus (Pachy)
18. Parasaur
19. Pulmonoscorpius (Scorpion)
20. Human players
Looking to tame one of the best flyers in all of ARK? Well, take some time to look through this tip/ guide! Before we start, let's get ready for the process
DIFFICULTY: 3/10 (Easy)
-Taming Weapons + Ammo (Bows/ Crossbows (Tranq Arrows), Longneck (Tranq Darts/ Shocking Tranq Darts) )
NOTE: You may use slingshots (Rock) if you are lacking taming weapons and ammo.
-Biotoxin/ Narcotics
-Hide Sleeping Bag (For fast taming option on Mobile)
Now you're all ready for taming! Let's go!
For taming an Argentavis, there are a few methods:
METHOD 1: Trapping
As usual, we can trap Argentavises. However, the trap used for the Argentavis is different from traps i have used in past guides. Anyways, here's what you will need!
-2-5 Stone Dino Gateways
-2 Dino Gates
Place the Gateways in a straight line. Place 1 gate at the end of the row, and lure your Argentavis into the trap, running out from the gaps left between the gateways. Quickly close off the other side of the trap with your second dino gate. Now that you have trapped the Argentavis, shoot it down and feed it Raw Meat or Prime Meat (Just like the Rex guide I made, you can also go out to hunt for Prime Meat while the Argentavis is taming, but make sure you don't leave it for too long and have it wake up! Feed it your Biotoxin/ Narcotics if you feel that the Argentavis might wake up soon. Wait a little while and tadaa!!! You now own an Argentavis!
METHOD 2: The Cheaper Way
This method is cheap and recommended for lower level players. I also recommend that you do this on Far's Peak (I play on Mobile, but you my try to adapt this to the version you are playing!). Do note that you still need a flyer (I (I recommend the Pteranodon) for this method. Also, there is an exclusive extra optional step for Mobile players like myself! Now let's get you that Argentavis of yours!
Now, get the Argentavis to aggro on you by flying past its face with your mount (Other nearby Argentavises may also aggro on you, so try to get them to de-aggro or kill then while you lure the only one you want!). Lure it up Far's Peak into the crater in the middle (The area with lots of metal and obsidian rocks). Make sure to not stray too far from the Argie or it will de-aggro and fly away. After you have lured it into the crater, fly away on your mount and get it to de-aggro. If you did it right, it should be stuck in the crater. Now, shoot it down. (From my personal experiences, the Argie is unable to fly out of the crater) Feed it some Raw Meat or Prime Meat (You can also hunt for Prime Meat while the Argie is taming). Now, time for the bonus Mobile option!
Once the Argentavis de-aggros on you, place down a sleeping bag and sleep. The Argentavis will starve and eat your taming food without any cooldowns, allowing for a quick and easy tame.
Now, congratulate yourself for taming the Argie and enjoy!
Here, I will talk about some features of the Argie (If you're interested).
Argies are one of the most versatile flyers in ARK. They have decent health, melee, speed and stamina and is one of the most necessary tames along the Rex. The Argie also has lots of bonuses and abilities:
-50% weight reduction on Ores (Metal, Obsidian, Crystal etc.)
-Able to pick up small to medium sized dinos (Eg. Raptors, Dodo)
-Able to rapidly regenerate health while feeding on a dead corpse
To sum it up, Argentavises are one of the most necessary and best mounts on ARK, and is definitely a must tame for any players. Good luck on your journey, and happy taming!
-How to tame a Therizinosaurus
-Your average ARK Mobile player
To tame one easy all you have to do is kill something so the argent Avis can eat, and while it’s healing you must knock it out with tranq arrows or darts. If it is knocked out while healing it’ll starve immediately and it’ll tame in seconds no matter what level!
Heya guys! I’ll share some of my tips to tame argys, if you want you can knock out a low level with a slingshot but i recommend waiting until you unlock the tranq arrows and stone dinosaur gates.
How to trap them!
You can do this with a pteranodon or on foot! So you’ll need 4 stone dinosaur gateways and 2 stone dinosaur gates, put the stone gates like this! The | represents the gates. “ | | | |” BUT!! Key thing! Make sure that the argy cannot fit through but you or your tame can. Then, Lure an argy over to your trap and open the door, then go throu the sides or the top! (Top if your using a pteranodon).Then go to the door you let the argy in through and close it! Boom! You trapped the argy :D. It may take a few trys, but its ok!
Knock out and tame!
If you want to use tranq arrows make sure to have an 5 second timer before firing the next shot! Its too make sure you dont kill the argy and if you have a spy glass its better so you can check on the torpor just in case you accidentally hit it when its knocked out! Their preferred food is stegosaurus kibble, i will put the recipe here! Required engrams: Cooking pot, water skin. Recipe: Stegosaurus egg, citronal (you can get it by planting the seed) Prime meat jerky (put cooked prime meat into a preserving bin with oil) 2 mejoberrys, 3 fiber and 1 waterskin. If you are using the kibble, you can use a minor balm! But if you are using raw meat or prime meat, you should use an soothing balm! I reccomend doing the lava cave since you dont need a tame and can just speedrun it, take off all your gear and go in the cave, take all rights and if you are on casual you can just grab the artifact then die and spawn near the obelisk! I reccomend putting down a bed at the obelisk. The lava cave also gives you good rifles, crossbows and pistols! So now, put a sleeping bag down and sleep, this will starve the creature so the taming process is shorter! Then knock out the argy, and put your soothing balm in, and the food of choice and wala! You will soon have an argy. Make sure to protect the argy and kill any predators nearby that can hurt it!
Uses and utility!
The argentavis is very useful, having good speed, good weight and good hp and damage. Its a great mid game tame as its saddle unlocks at level 62. Its one of the best metal gatherers as you can level weight and carry an ankylo to harvest metal. I once had an argy, his name was mocha and he was really good! 10k hp, 1.2k weight, 1k melee damage, we killed gigas, alpha rexes and titans together! The argentavis is a very good flyer, only beaten by the queztal by weight and pteranodon by speed but they are still very balanced in term of stats and are great pvp units. Apologies for this being so long, i hope you all the best of luck taming!
I tame everything the old fashioned way...
Shooting them until they inevitably fall asleep and force-feed them until they love me :)
For instant tame just let it harvest a creature when it nearly falls asleep. Then knock it out, I tamed my first one of the server I am playing in, it took me a while ngl. But it was worth it since it exceeded the max level.
If you lose your argys go to the place that shows your character press the tames button which says how much animals you have, Look for your argys name press request, then wait. It will tp to you, if it’s alive.
How to tame One of these safely in the redwoods
1. Get a flyer I recommend a pt
2. Get this things attention
3. Land somewhere where you don’t think anything is going to hurt you
4. Knock it out while it’s attacking you
5. Tame that baby!
6. Congratulate yourself
7. realize that the saddle is that level 62
(Hope this helped!)
Search up Cheapest argie trap on YouTube.
You’re welcome.