ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Be prepared if you breed them. You will need a shit load of chitin! I got twins and one died because of my lack of knowledge ;u;
More Archaeopteryx Utility Tips
Don't put points into its movement speed if you want to glide faster. It glides as fast you run, so putting points into your movement speed will increase how fast it will glide. Hope this saves you from wasting levels like me : )
On x Box Controller Press x so it Stopps flying then Press x again so it Starts flying a little bit so it Puts you down slowly!YOU DONT HAVE TO GLIDE FOREVER! Havent Seen this Tip before so i wrote this!
I hope these guys get a rework soon, the landing takes forever and you can't use anything else while using them, however if you need sap ASAP tame one, set on wander, and put it next to a tree in the Redwoods, they'll instantly climb up and overtime collect a good amount of it. If either you have the same opinion or find this helpful (or both), please up.
Press R on the pc version to stop and start your glide. Didnβt see a single comment that said this so hereβs the first. ;)
WARNING: These do not count as shoulder pets when you carry them, the are held the same way as dodos and dung beetles. Therefore THEY TAKE DAMAGE WHEN HELD. Even if your riding a mount your fragile little bird can get hit by anything that targets you. Found that out the hard way.
RIP Perrashoot
Amazing for riding Ptera. Right before you run out of stamina on ptera, simply jump off while holding one of these and the ptera will regain its stamina in the air. Once your pteras stamina is full you can hop back on. Never need to land in dangerous areas again.
Hit X (on Xbox controller) to stop and start glide.
Some youtubers say that they are useless. WRONG. They are better than wasting time crafting a parachute and they can attack and they are small so very hard to target. I saw one of these drill through a rex and the thing didnβt even take damage once and the rex died.
If you tame one and put it in wander near a redwood tree it will eventuly collect sap (descovered that this morning while i wanted it to wander in my small dino enclosur)
can slowly collect sap from redwood trees if on wonder.