Arks of anarchy chapter 1 “the early birds”
Arks of anarchy chapter 1 “the early birds”
As the wind blows in the dormant red woods, life thrives. Dire bears forage for berries, paracertheriums move from tree to tree, and 2 bird like creatures are swiftly running from treetop to treetop. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” Exclaimed Adam a small archaeopteryx. “I DIDNT STEAL YOUR FOOD STASH!” Behind Adam was a microraptor named mike. “LYING ONLY MAKES IT WORSE, ADAM!” Exclaimed mike. Adam keeps running and fight until he and mike start becoming tired. “Can we just talk this out?” Adam says in a desperate attempt to save himself “fine, but only because I’m tired, okay? Don’t think this is a truce.” Says mike “okay, okay, why would I steal your food?” Asks Adam “because your greedy and only think about yourself!” This has been sort of true for Adam, he likes to steal bugs from other creatures so he doesn’t have to hunt. “Okay but look at me! I can barely eat a trilobite, and they are mostly armor!” “Then why did you steal 10 bugs from people in the span of 4 minutes yesterday?” “Well- I-.” Adam stutters trying to think of what to say next “exactly, your guilty now hand over the food from its hiding place or I will end you right here right now!” Angrily, Adam accepts and leads mike to a secret tunnel where he store all sorts of bug parts “see now was that so hard?” Says mike sarcastically “so I can finally go?” Says Adam “fine, I’ll let you off the hook, but I won’t forget about this!” As Adam finally goes home he is so caught up in his head W’s our the encounter with mike he takes a wrong turn. As he keeps walking he starts realizing he’s lost he sees a seemingly friendly creature up ahead he decides to ask them where he is, but as he approaches he realizes what the creature truly is.
Hope you enjoyed my first chapter of this series I’m making, if it’s not the best that’s because I’m bad at story writing
Have a great day