The Ark chapter three

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The Ark chapter three

“Finished. Whaddya think Iguana? Pretty good for a couple hours, right?” The thatch building David had built was big enough to house himself, Iguana, and a few other things. “Man, that made me real hungry though… I wonder if there are any more of those dodo things around?” At that moment, another dodo burst out of a nearby bush being chase by another… whatever Iguana was. “I really need a name for these things… Anyways, Iguana, attack!” At the sound of his voice the other Dino spat poison into David’s eyes, blinding him. “Argh what the heck is this?” Iguana leapt at the other Dino, clawing at it and keeping it at bay. David looked for the dodo and, though bleary eyes, found his prey. He ran up to it and was about to kill it when he changed his mind. “Hmm… if it works on Iguana, I wonder if it works on this?” And then he promptly punched the bird in the face until it fainted. David then put some berries he had right by its face. He then turned and made his way to where Iguana was fighting and bashed his pick through the other Dino’s skull, killing it instantaneously. “Well, there’s dinner, eh, Iguana?” David proceeded to wait over the dodo, which did wake up… tamed. David and his tames went home, carrying the corpse of their slain enemy, and cooked it, and went to sleep.

See you in the next chapter. As I have said, it will all be in alphabetical order in the carnivores section. Till next time!


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