ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

While not overtly useful, the angler is a particularly vertile early game ocean mount, it has a built-in light source which is infinite and exceptionally useful, it can collect silica pearls and can attract angler fish for gel farming. Although it is unable to defend itself against the larger predators of the ocean it is capable of outrunning many of them and it does not require a saddle, they can be be found all over the ocean, however the main drawback is that they are deep-water fish and the lengthy tame time means you are vulnerable to deep-water predators without a mount. It's not particularly safe to use underwater compared to some of the other durable mounts like the megalodon, which is easier to tame at a lower level.
Good for use as lanterns if you live on the beach.
More Angler Taming & KO Tips
How to Tame a Anglerfish:
-use a crossbow with enough tranq arrows (toxicant)
And ride a itchy to Not be attack.
-then go to the Deep sea and kill the rest of the creatures That you're surronding (except the Anglerfish)
-after you find it, Knock it then Feed it with prime meat or kibble and in case some biotoxin.
Then you got yourself a Anglerfish :0
Utility: the Anglerfish doesn't need a Saddle, you can ride freely but it will be more vulnerable to attacks.
The Anglerfish can harvest tons of Pearls and a bit of Blackpearl and it's good for going to caves for a better view and has decent damage.
Thanks for Reading.
:by jose24
Pro tip! Anglerfish can be caught in a fish basket!
Be really care when knocking these things out from a distance! Unfortunately they don't look knocked out when they are so continuing to shoot darts at them can be an easy an unfortunate mistake to make.
- Main use for this tame is using the Angler as a "lure" for other anglers kill anglers for their gel. The gel is the longest burning fuel in the game at approx. 6 minutes per 1 gel
- secondly use is a light source underwater
Sister and I found one max level in the aberation area in Valguero.
We began darting it to tame it.
It did not want to be tamed.
It literally beached itself and died.
I caught the whole thing on clip.
I was laughing but my sister was pissed.
Can be used to pick up 60ish pearls instead of 6 or so by hand. Awesome tame now since the update added this.
You donβt need a saddle to ride them.
DO NOT use a crossbow for knocking out! Not for all shots anyway.
Use half to 60% of what Dododex recommends for crossbow, then finish the rest with harpoon tranq to avoid killing these guys.
I feel like Dododex is way off with their approximation of a 19% chance of death with a crossbow tranq. I'd say it's more of a 80%+ chance you will kill these with tranq only.
Use an dolphin to tame because you can shoot off the back and nothing will agro it π
They are usually aggressive, but once hurt, they will become skittish and try swim away from you.