ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

This things biggest weakness is a giga or thyla. Thyla does giga Bleed and this thing dies extra fast to that for whatever reason and takes fall damage like the basilisk.
More Andrewsarchus Encountering Tips
These things supposedly were the largest land meat-eating mammal to have ever lived standing 6ft. tall and 12ft. long weighing 2,200lb. (Polar bear 1,500lb)
You might wanna pack:
A nuke
A pegostamax to steal him
A literal N1 rocket
A boom box to play cringe nonstop
And a Carcharodontosaurus.
Andrewsarchus can be found in almost any field on Fjordur
Why is it easier to craft this things minigun than it is to craft a big beaver saddle
For the guy that asked,
We canβt have the indom or the indoraptor or the scorpious bc they are copyrighted by jw so ark canβt use them.:)
Did the Tek Cave Alpha with this beast. Fully mutated and a max. saddle.
Itβs only short tempered, not aggressive! the difference between this is that aggressive will attack on sight, but short-tempered will only attack if ur around it too long. For example u can breeze by on ur raptor without it attacking, but if u stay to, letβs say, cut down a tree or regain stam it will attack. If u attack back then leave and come back it will pursue you because it knows your a threat. This means you can NOT tame one you have punched before. It will try to kill you instead of eating honey.
This is a rip for PVP
Players can hide inside the gun on its saddle while riding so just if you wanna speak up on people hide in it and chill until someone comes bc they can see you, the gun on its back takes any bullets I normally use the advanced rifle bullets and here is some controls for xbox
1.bite. Tap the RT button to bite
2. Buck. Tap the LT button to buck
3. Shoot bullets. Tap the button where u would usually move on ur Dino or just to run or walk with ur character then to shoot the bullets tap LT
And if you go in first person u can see through where the gun is!
Up if this helped :)
It gunna be OP. Mini gun saddle plus rampage = LET THERE BE CARNAGE!!!
Go the the yellow colored realm to find em - FangClaw