ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a ammonite? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a ammonite.
They use their fart as a distress call
Then you smell like ammonite fart
Then you die to a coelacanth
Attack them inside the mosa cave, it's smart....
If you are looking to kill it to get the Ammonite bile, Be careful and try and clear most of the cave or around you before you attack it or get a strong water dino or get ready for death!
If you accident hit these, RUN LIKE HELL. Everything around you is coming for you. I also went to the surface and stegos and a few trikes tired to attack me.
Dont forget that they drop ammonite bile 2. Um, i dont know what to write but it said that i needed to write more before i submited the tip.
It favorite food is force tame.
It’s favorite food is “admincheat ForceTame” which is got from punching its friends and it is a passive tame AND YOU CAN RIDE IT WITHOUT A SADDLE SO EASY EARLY GAME TAME
It’s favourite food is force tame
If you don't like getting gangbanged punch it in the Mosa cave, you'll be safe!
The Ammonite Juice released from it’s wounds can be very useful, specifically for luring Mosa and Plesiosaurs to the surface. There it will not immediately try to kill you and if using ranged weapons you can tame/kill it with ease
It’s favorite food is force tame
You Cannot tame this :( (wordstoallowmetopost)
Force tame em if you want em
To be yours
To tame this rare creature you must do something daring........Cheat forcetame
Most useful creature you can not tame but be careful if I gets green gas gets on you every sea creature will attack you
good luck with these guys if you kill or attack them the will fart out gas which will make every creature to try and kill you so what i would try get is a really good basilosaurus or a tusotuthis or a mosasaurus. I would recomend a basilosarus because the cindrila can shock you off the mount but be care full if a alpha meglodon then be carefull the dinos may pin you and with the alphas buff will make them unkill able even with a 40k health tuso i have tryed it died and then it killed me and i lost all my stuff.
Come in in they said the waters fine they said
The BEST thing to have when you are taming a Mosa. When the rage effect is on the Mosa will ignore the height limit and get stuck on the surface, this works with Plesios and dunkle too.
I wish that people would like and pay attention to poor ammonite.
Amonite song:
Hi I’m amonite if u hit me I will cry
My friends will come and comfort me
But more importantly after I fart you’ll be there target until dark
So befor u come be a human and think of this :hipody hopidy get ur *?! Of my property!! (This sucks so bad sorry it’s not even ryming)
-cadence the gamer