ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Fires and the Flood, Prologue...
You. Yes you. You know that I'm talking to you.
I can't believe you did what you did. I thought you loved me! I... loved you. But then you turned on me. You tried to kill me! Believe me... I tried... to forgive you. I see you over there, sitting on that cliff. Looking at all those wyverns. As if you saved them from something... as if I was a threat. A danger. I wasn't before, but I'm thinking perhaps it is best if I become one. Perhaps there is no other way to survive. You are the danger to me... and I will become a danger to you, to everyone. Just because I am not of your kind... I am different... I was not a villain. But you, you are. You all fear what you don't know. You are cowards. You turned my own parents against me. You will fall, everyone who stands against me will fall. You monster. I refuse to let you hurt anyone else. Believe me, I wish that I could change my fate. That I was born as anyone, anything else. Just to avoid this pain. The pain that you caused me.
And you...
You will never see the light again.
By the Fires and the Flood.
There is a storm coming.
They say beaches are low resource/low threat areas right? WRONG! I used to live in one close to a cold region and some of those decided to run around the beach killing everything there. Fine, I hid from them in my tatch base and once they were far enough I thought I was safe, that until another freaking pack started doing the same. I hid my Dilo (Galinha Punk, my beloved only tame, great companion) inside the base and ran through the ocean to hide on some stones. And this was way before they cold spot me. Result: I had to hold my tears and watch in horror as they destroyed the little base I put on all my effort to build, killed my poor boy and kept going like it was nothing! Their levels were way too high, I couldn't fight them, but I was so sad I tried, died, couldn't respawn there cause I had no bed anymore, and couldn't get my stuff because they were near. Of course i waited until they went away, and of course wild dilos destroyed the rest of my stuff. I shall have my revenge!
These things can be a real pain early on. My brother and I had just started on Valgaro and we where doing good. We had a nice house with a great view of the river, a breeding pair of raptors and a bunch of other various animals. Life was good. one day we decided to explore the other side of the river. At first everything seemed fine, but then on our way back we saw them, two allosauruses blocking our home. We tried to sneak past but they saw us and chased us all the way home. Suddenly they turned and we thought we were safe. But then we saw why they turned. They had found our beloved pets and were attacking them. The battle was fierce and it looked like we might when win. But then one by one our pets showed up in the death chat until only our raptors where left, the prize of our position. By now one of the allosaurus had died and there was just one left. But that one was to much and we lost everything. moral of the story run away from your hour not towards.
Journey Through All Creatures: Chapter 2: Allosaurus and Assassin
Each chapter starts in The Island, going through the creatures in alphabetical order. First chapter in Achatina, next chapter in Ammonite.
Soddon woke up one day to see his dodo on his bed. “Oh, hey. Good morning. Today is going to be quite something.” Soddon said as he set his dodo on the ground. He went outside and got some meat from his campfire. As he chowed down on some meat, he heard footsteps behind him. He leaped up, startled, and turned around to see nothing. He took out his bow and crept closer to where he heard the noise. He crept through bushes, then he heard rustling to the right. He heard screeching and thought it was a raptor. He yelped and quickly pulled out his bola and backed away. Two raptors jumped out of the bush and Soddon threw his bolas at them. He shot arrows at one raptor’s head and discovered that the other was a level 85. It was a good level. Soddon finished the low level raptor and ran to a nearby rock. When the raptor started running to it. Soddon jumped down and threw the bola at him. He shot tranq arrows he had gathered from snakes at the raptor’s head until he fell unconscious. Soddon jumped for joy and shoved meat in its mouth until it woke up, tamed. Soddon then got on and went to the base to restock on arrows. After he felt like he was ready, he rode to the nearest mountain and saw a lone Allosaurus. He had a trap ready to be put down. He put the trap down a hundred meters away and lured the Allo in. He put the last billboard behind him and the Allo was trapped. Soddon shot him down with his bow and finished him with the raptor. He was about to harvest the corpse when a arrow flew at the raptor’s head and he fell unconscious instantly. Soddon was scared and hid behind the Allo corpse. He heard footsteps and then talking. It was hard for him to understand what they were saying, but he managed to sneak behind a tree and heard a sentence. He heard the words, “I heard someone’s hunting all the creatures in ARK. If he gets close to the King Titan, you must kill him!” Soddon peeked at them, and saw 4 people in hoods and robes all black with masks on their faces. Then one nodded at another. Soddon heard a noise and he yelped and turned around quickly. He saw a large creature. “What’s… NO!!!” Soddon screamed as he saw a tamed Giganotosaurus. The hooded people looked at where the yell came from. “What’s that? Someone is spying on us.” One person said. Soddon ran through the trees as fast as he could back to his base. Breathing heavily and slightly bruised, Soddon yelled, “Who was that!!!???” And minutes later, he made it back to his base, bruised, exhausted,and thirsty. “Okay, no more jungle adventures until I get my raptor back and figure out what’s going on.” He said to himself. He walked into the ocean and drank some water. Then he ate a piece of meat, walked into his base, and collapsed on his bed. He fell asleep in minutes.
Chapter 3 later this week!
Dinosaur heroes
Chapter two
After class or well school falcon went back home and when she did she went to her room to work on her homework on the megalosaurus which was the dinosaur she picked for her project when her cousin came in he asked her “what are you working on?” And falcon responded with “I got this project of dinosaurs I picked the megalosaurus” “Ah nice want anything to eat?” He asked “no I’m good for now” she responded “Alright anyways I have to go out so you’ll be alone” he said to her leaving
~Time skip~
When moon and the others minus Falcon and a few others where battling some giant bees in dinosaur form moons was a Therizinosaurus, Bens was a Yutyrannus but he couldn’t do the fear and courage roar cause he didn’t learn it yet(Sorry I had to nerf you until later on in the chapters Ben), as they fought until Veloci arrived and they fought while Ben was distracted Veloci smack moon in the neck with his tail so hard that it made her faint and he carried her away.
End of chapter two
Sorry it was short I did this one the bus
Dodo tales (S1 Ep2)
Like for more, BTW Ep1 was in the snail thingy section. Anyway.....
The next few minutes went by in a flash. He walked up to find out what had made the noise, and saw a very dangerous looking creature, that was most definitely not a herbivore. Before he knew it, three more walked out into the open. He ran but snapped a large twig and panicked. They were coming and he knew it, he grabbed his little bird and ran for his life. He didn't dare to look back, he just ran as fast as he could. He realized they hadn't caught up yet, so he hid behind a rock. As they ran past him one by one, he noticed a big black spider crawling down his arm. He let out a muffled scream, it was quiet, but still loud enough. The creatures turned their heads, and cornered him. Eventually, they got so close that he could feel their hot breath. One snapped at him but just then, a spear lodged deep into its skull spraying warm red blood all over.
He heard it cry as it fell to the ground...
Moon Tales
Season 1 - Episode 2
“John. my name is John” the man said. the girl seemed a bit disappointed. “John?” “yeah is there a problem with my name?” “i mean, it’s kind of boring” John frowned and was sad. “i can’t help it i was named that way” John looked at the dodo on the ground and looked back at the girl. “are you trying to tame it?” the girl looked super confused “what are you talking about taming?” John said “yeah taming like you make it your pet” “i didn’t know you can do that” John seemed very confused “you didn’t know you can tame things by feeding them when they’re knocked out?” “i just got here i don’t know what i’m doing” the girl shot back “i was just at my house taking a bath when i suddenly found myself here i don’t know what’s going on and i certainly dont know how to tame things or something.” “but you knocked it out surely you know” “i just thought it was dangerous” John rolled his eyes and put his spear away “well they’re not very dangerous in fact they’re useless and they dont even attack anything” “then why would i want to tame it?” “i don’t know most people who wake up here want to tame one to keep for fun and because theyre nice companions” “well if its useless i dont want it just kill it” John seemed very very hesitant at first. he took his spear and placed it near the dodo’s chest. “are you sure you don’t want to keep it?” “NO JUST KILL IT WE CAN EAT IT OR SOMETHING” John shrugged and then killed the dodo. he grabbed the dilo by the tail and then walked over to the girl “come on help me carry these things somewhere safe” the girl listened and picked the dead body of the dodo up. the two began to walk on the beach somewhere else. “so do you want to work together” the girl shrugged “not really but i guess i have to if i want to be alive” the man smiled and blushed “thats good to hear i haven’t had a friend for a long time because people think im annoying” the girl seemed very sorry for him “thats sad youre not that annoying” the man stopped walking and looked at the girl “by the way you never told me your name if were working together we should know each others names” the girl sighed and said her name, Andromeda. the man seemed very awestruck at her name “thats a cool name but hard to remember…” Andromeda rolled her eyes “whatever just deal with it” suddenly they heard the sound of flapping wings and they looked up to see some huge blue dragon with green wings flying toward them.
hello my name is Moon Tales Girl and this is the second episode of the first season of my story called Moon Tales. i hope you enjoy this and the next episode will be in the next section amarga i will see you soon
ps: i will try to finish this story unlike the person who wrote dodo tales so that nobody is disappointed especially me