ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Mine kept glitching while taming, took almost triple the cakes and double the time (kept saying put food in inventory to tame). I found a way to bypass this by putting a stack of berries and a stack of meat in it's inventory along with cakes while it's knocked out. Hope this helps someone if anyone else has had this problem.
More Achatina Taming & KO Tips
They can wear hats!!!
I like to make note that this is a knock out tame
And their not breedable! Why. I want baby achatina!!!!
If you are considering breeding these, go slam your hand in a car door a few times. It will be much less painful. Literally one veggie cake per percent of growth....and it grows slow.. Digests roughly one point of food per second, so feed a cake about one for every 7 mins (during event boost) and it will gain one percent of growth.
Infinite cementing paste hack:
Step1: make 5 cakes
Step2: blast some random sail in the head and feed it
Step3: Name it βGaryβ
Step 4: set to wander
Step 5: lock it up in a cage for the rest of its worthless life and throw the key in a industrial grinder
Has a high torpor drain ASA. Up for all to see.
Pick it out of the swamp with pterodactyl and plop it around your base
Do not starve tame. There is a cool down on the veggie cakes that don't allow it to eat them as quickly as needed.
If you are playing Official PvE, you can grapple them with a grappling hook and then fly or walk them back somewhere safer for them to be knocked out, such as your base for example.