ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Encountering Tips

How do I kill a summoner? summoner battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
What I've learned from battling these to find an R-Reaper:
1. As you've probably read, they project a spotlight passively, if you find yourself within this cone of light, prepare for a fight.
2. THEY HAVE A SHIELD. Save your ammo/element, their shield only comes down for approximately 1-3 shots of a tek rifle, or one shot of a shotgun. If working with another player time your shots & shoot together.
3. It's either summons or spikes! They will shoot a round of spikes at you OR they will shoot a slow moving purple ball down towards the ground, causing dinos to spawn. Unless the spawns are fliers just ignore them, stay in the air, and continue the fight.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The shield will stay up until it finishes the attack or finishes spawning in dinos, stay on the move until then!
Good luck and stay vigilant my friends
These things are like watch guards. They have a light that shines from them that when you go in it they summon R variant creatures that are super hard to kill. It also has “babies” that appear after acquiring mutagen or spawning naturally, these swarms are a MUCH worse version of the insect swarm. Good luck to anyone encountering this!
Whenever you encounter one of these things, or plan on encountering, or just found it, you should most likely bring some flak armor and a pump action shotgun, also make sure to bring a few extra pairs of armor, because when this thing attacks it is completely invulnerable. Hope this helped!
Be careful when getting mutagen in Rockwell’s innards, one teleports to you when you pick up the mutagen thing and they spawn lots of high level dinos that attack you
One of the worst enemies to cross paths with. Exclusive to Gen-2 (Borros sector) is only found in rockwells proliferation. This mini boss is known as the summoner. So let’s jump right to the deep end, (spoilers)
So what do summoners do? Well they have one job that I know of. Judging by notes, and what they look like in general, they obviously guard rockwells innards. And they know full well how to do it. So what does it look like? If you look at the picture, that’s what it looks like when it’s in attack mode. They look like a still budding rose, with a light shooting out the little opening, this is it’s one way of seeing. Even setting foot in that light will make it unfold, and form that point it’s game over. However when they are in they’re docile mode, they only become aggressive when they are physically harmed, or entering the spotlight. Avoiding them is an option but you will run into multiple inside Rockwell.
So what do they do when they’re aggressive? The answer is don’t find out in game. Making one aggressive is bad enough, and I’ll tell you exactly why. Upon provoking a summoner, it locates the said hostile (always the player), while spinning, it emits a loud screech. And that screech seals your fate, unless you came armed to the teeth, then you can kiss your life goodbye. But like all creatures they can be stopped but it’s not easy. If your try to run, it has the very quirky ability to teleport in front of you. It also comes pre equipped with a forcefield, on top of itself being untouchable, it summons R- creatures. And once summoned they B line straight for you. The summoner will then turn its forcefield off, and shoot you with purple stuff. And if that wasn’t enough, if it starts taking damage it will teleport somewhere else close by and re engage.
You don’t get anything for killing them, and to add insult to injury, multiple of them can aggro and make your life to what is very similar to what we all know as hell. Speaking of the underworld for example: “ahh what a GREAT day to farm some mutagen! :D” upon finding some you arrogantly grab it “that took forever wait what is th-“ and this is the moment just before disaster. Upon farming the mutagen plant, it summons not 1 but 2 summoners. And yes they both are very angry with you.
So before you go to rockwells innards just know there are some demonic stars that might have beef with you, and if you run into one, you can cross your fingers and hope you get out alive! Thx for reading!
Just pray to the ark gods and run
Use a shadowmane and go invisible they can’t see you and will leave you alone
The weird tentacle things CAN see you however and they will shoot you and cause you to lose your invisibility so watch out.
Kill it cause it might kill you so watch at your welcome👍🏻
Figured out a really good way to avoid these things in the cave is to use a shadowmane since you can go invisible to un agro them. Works really well as Rockwell’s innards are pretty difficult with these things everywhere
Hate to break it to you admins but on some consoles admin gun is negated by the shield AS WELL as the kill command
Me and a tribemate list a couple dinos to this thing and only got out with 1 of our shadowmanes after bringing 2 and some rexes. Its inbulterability seems to be after each wave of dinos and gets harder after each.
We are gonna try to have one of us kill the dinos and tank damage and the other be in an imprinted velo and shoot it quickly. Id imagine any ranged dino, or strong weapon is effective so on this map a velo is a must aswell as a flier possibly to melee it. My shadowmane coult teleport to it but only ever did 200 damage max while my shotty did 88 per pellet
If you want to know How to combat this eldritch horror from beyond the stars while traversing the innards of Rockwell this is How you do it:
The first option is to not attack them as they only see you in their light which is pretty easy to avoid as long as you fly over them with the Tek suit you get on the start, but if you want to kill‘em a good tame is a Thyla because of it’s bleed. The Summoner will periodically summon (duh) some minions in the form of various corrupted Dinos which the Thyla can make quick work of or just jump away from. You don’t have to worry about them once you are far away since they despawn after a while. The summoner, after spawning some minions, will go into a shield mode where it takes reduced damage, but the Thyla’s bleed will shred him even in this mode as long as it has been applied before the shield was activated. Keep in mind that the Thyla will need to have some pretty high health since the summoner constantly fires projectiles and there is also a chance of you running into a pool of acid or a reaper.
I hope this was helpful, WildCard may have patched this after I wrote this so sorry if that is the case
The summoner only summons few air creatures, and they all can be neeted, so, you can bring a harpoon launcher with net projectiels, a pump shotgun and a shield, ween the summoner summons air creatures net them, and ween it's shield run out shot it with the shotgun, they give a good amount of xp but it's better just to avoid them (sorry for bad english).
If ever eyes of darkness widen
A light from yonder soon will break
But if the land the light should brighten
A shadow wanders in its wake
If dawn is sent to slay the night
And chase its minions underground
When dusk takes flight beneath its pinions
Night rebounds
But do not cry, my sons and daughters
For life must leave to come again
And when it does, it springs like water
A great reprieve to end all pain
Turn now, heaven’s wheel,
Turn so we may heal
If ever should the dead awaken
Welcome them as life reborn
If from my heart the sleep is taken
Let me sing upon the morn
Let all the souls be held entranced
And gather to my mighty strains
For if they die again, by chance
Their voices join the grand refrain
Each soul shall have its time again
Within my heart they still reside
And when I sing
They are sustained
From death to life
I am their guide
-The song of Cathar, Monster Hunter 4
If you encounter one, be ready. It will shoot a projectile that spawns in Corrupted versions of different creatures like Rock Golems, Quetzals, Shadowmanes and even more from small to gigantic. But dont underestimate the corrupted creatures even if its a Raptor or a Saber, because these creatures are so much stronger, have way more health and everything with them and the Summoner is terror! So run!
When your looking for r reaper and find a 19 summoner conga line
Devs should add a macrophage page for those annoying pests
I’m pretty sure that these are supposed to be antibodies or some other immune cell
Just run thats probably all you can do
You can get yourself a good mek with a bubble shield module. Just pop it up before taking the mutagen. Since shield blocks all projectiles it also blocks his summoning spit thing.