ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Carnotaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Carnotaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

Carnotaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Direwolf, Direbear, and the Triceratops. To make Carnotaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Carno Egg, Savoroot, Cooked Meat, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
Tame a female carno a low level if you just wanna use it for eggs
bruh why did i kill that level 50 female carno๐
You can used this EXTREMELY cheap kibble to use for imprinting or for taming a dire wolf , a triceratops, or a dire bear
U can tame a dire bear and wolf with this,But if u tame a trike with it,It would be a waste of resources,I meant the low level ones
Instead of looking around for a egg tame a male and female
I want to be a dinosaur
in the game
Get an argy or get torn to pieces (by dire wolf)
Pick it up, away from its pack. Then knock out.
If you see this that means youโve wound up in the wrong part of these arks. The inhabitants that where once people suffer from one of two fates, they are either bitten or are torn to shreds. So I recommend you get out of here, Iโm not going down as easy as last time, Harpocrates it wonโt be long before your story comes to an end one way or another... -Fenrir
It help my for baby griffin!!
It give 43 imprinting
Truthfully just go south then get pterodactyl then fly over scout out a place to build a trap for Carno and make it a female then just harvest itโs eggs or just get Ptera go north and collect Carno eggs
At this moment in life, Iโve gotten 40 dries wolves to fight this one Giga in the area, just because
of this recipe this happened.
How do you make jerky
you can get cooked prime or normal jerky by using preserving bin using sparkpowder, oil, and the meat, make sure it was cooked or it wont work
Do not try to knock out the car i with ur fist I learned the hard way ๐
Buffon ferox kibble ke se ban te he