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Wanna tame this fluffy predator? I’m going to tell you step by step how to tame one!; 1 for this tame you are definitely going to need some supplies, this is of course what I recommend bringing! I recommend a net gun, at least 5, this is because when a yutyrannus spawns in, they have 3/4 Carnos that spawn with them! Make sure to bring more nets just in case! If you don’t have access to the net gun the best bet for you is a trap, or the chaotic way! If you are low leveled I would recommend useing the trap as it’s a safe way of getting the yuty to stay in a specific area for safety and easy taming! You need 4 stone gates, and gateways, and like the Giga you place three in a box shape, and save the last one, put the beartrap in the middle of the trap once the yuty gets stuck on the trap run in behind it and put the final gate and gateway down! The chaotic way involves running arround tryna knock it out! Ok let’s back tack for a second I’m getting of the topic I was talking about. Ok For this tame you will need At least 200 narcotics or toxin, 200 is just to be safe as they’re torpor goes down slightly quicker that the Rex’s, I also strongly recommend bringing kibble, or prime (mutton works great as well) also pack tranq darts, and a good ‘old rifle! 2 spawn locations! These guys spawn on almost every map, aberration is the only one excluded from having yutys. I notice that most of the yutys I find spawn in the Antarctic regions, the map I find them most commonly at has to be crystal isles! Anyways now it’s time for 3 There are quite a few ways this could go wrong so i would suggest having a backup plan in case things go south! For this it would be ok to bring a tame with you, i suggest a flying mount! Also make sure if your on lost island to pack a few parachutes! I can list a few things you should be careful about taming this creature; 1, it’s fear roar, it will give you a debuff and if your riding a small creature it will panic and fly everywhere without warning regardless if your riding it or not! 2 it’s Carno gang, it’s carnos will get a dmg and resistance buff when the yuty roars, making them a dangerous threat, I recommend a net gun to get them out of the way then dispatch them later! (Feel free to tame the high levels if you want :D) 3 the yuty, the yuty being a carnivore uses it gang of carnos to help it in battle, and it’s most common prey is mammoths once it attacks something it will not stop chasing it unless it sees some easier prey, and as mammoths are docile, they will go after the yuty, This will end poorly for the yuty, so when this happens if you desire to tame that yuty you will have to help it kill the creatures tryna kill it! (These are just a list of possible mishaps, they are just common mistakes not all of these will happen, but sometimes one of these will and that’s just part of learning! :D) Now the knockout! I recommend a flyer to safely scout the area for a yuty, I recommend taming a higher level, if you plan on doing a boss! Having trouble finding one? Then listen carefully as you fly arround as the main giveaway of a yutyrannus’s position it’s of course its roar, you can here it from a distance and they are pretty easy to spot! Next if you are a low level you will have a choice trap or nets, the nets are the safer option to take everything down easily, with a trap you have to maneuver the yuty in with out the carnos getting in or coming after you! So I recommend armorif you plan on doing this! If you plan on netting, make sure nothing is after the yuty, if it’s all clear, shoot the carnos down first, and if you want to try to lead it somewhere I guess that’s alright, but I recommend knocking it out where it was, once you happy where the yuty is slap it with a net, and shoot it in the head with tranqs, be careful not to over do it! Once it’s out, that’s the hardest part done, now to feed it, kibble works best, but good quality meat works great too, I recommend mutton or prime, if you have no prime then luckily for you the carnos you used a net on, have a little bit of prime, it’s not a lot but it should be enough to tame it! Make sure you feed it some narcotics here and there and eventually you tamed the fluffiest predator on the ark! Congrats, but why to tame this? Here’s some good reasons it’s great! :D) 1. Fear roar, no matter what tame you have other than humans, they give a temporary special buff, this buff increases damage output, and put some resistance to input! Making this fluffy creature a common tame for boss slayers, also a decently fast mount, and a decent damage output, Very clearly this tame was meant for the boss battles and pvp wars, but it can be repurposed for whatever fulfills you! Happy taming! And take care!

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