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How to tame a Wyvern!

First, let’s prepare!

What you need: A fast flyer; a pteranodon will work, but put a lot of points in stamina.

Some points in fortitude; it is very hot in the Wyvern trench.

How to tame

Fly to the Wyvern trench and find a nest. Make sure no Wyverns are nearby so they don’t aggro on you. Be very quick and fly down to the nest, dismount, grab the egg, and get the heck out of there!! Once you take the egg, every Wyvern will aggro on you and follow you for hundreds of meters. If you are on ragnarok then you can fly to the redwoods and use the trees to trap the Wyvern. It also doesn’t matter the level of Wyvern yet, because you can always come back once you have a full grown Wyvern and get actual good eggs.

Now that you have an egg, you now need to hatch and raise it. I would put down standing torches in a semi circle then light it up one by one until it starts incubating. Once hatched, you will then need Wyvern milk to feed it or it will die. To do this you need to find a female Wyvern and knock it out. In its inventory there will be Wyvern milk that you can take and feed it to your Wyvern. I would recommend the universal flyer trap, the stone gateway (Behemoth stone gateways) trap. If you don’t want to do this you can use a snow owl to heal it up too. Imprinting will also sometimes need milk also.

Now for some neat utilities!

Wyverns come in 4 different types, fire, lightning, poison, and ice. Each has their own abilities based on their type. They can pick up other Dino’s up to the size of an allosaurus.

Now you have tamed a Wyvern!

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