So you want to tame a wyvern here is what you have to do first step find a wyvern cave or area take 2 flyers. Once you are at the wyvern cave you must make a female wyvern trap which consists of 5 behemoth gates and 2 hemouth doors then you kill the wyvern once it is trapped get the milk from it's inventory and then you are gonna want to place a bed outside the cave in the area you are planning to take the egg from then you will steal the egg and fly out of the cave then on the high chance you have just died you will respawn find your body grab the egg from your inventory and fly with your second flyer home. Once you are home you take the wyvern egg and drop it on 12 campfire s to hatch the n once hatched feed it the wyvern milk from the female wyvern and boom you have a Wyvern GL y'all

-Wild Willy

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