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The Tuso is often something to fear by many new players and for most other players who have never tamed a Tuso or even have ever encountered one before. If you are looking to tame one, use black pearls to feed them (prime meat can also work though it will take longer to tame). If you see one, it will usually have a description saying “does not want to be tamed right now “. This means you will need any other smaller tame you have. The use of the already owned creature will be used as a sacrifice (bait). Make sure the Tuso aggro’s and attempts to grab the tame and not you! As soon as the Tuso gets a hold of the tamed creature by grabbing it, it will deal lots of damage to it. But in the process of the Tuso grabbing the tame, it’s time for the taming process of the Tuso to begin. Come up to the side of its head where there is no hit box and feed it black pearls which have to be located in your hot bar.(This is a passive tame so the use of trinks will not work). Feed the Tuso when it feels hungry again. Note: you may need multiple tamed creatures set on passive for this because the will kill even some of your stronger creatures. After you keep doing this procedure you have a Giant, Colossal body guard that can kill anything in the seas. Good luck adventure.

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