ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
More Utility Tips
The Son of Rockwell
Chapter 23 : What’s this…?
The head of the Broodmother glistened in the sun light. De Cardo turned to his crew, that were scrambling all over the ship already, and barked on order. The ship turned a headed towards the east. De Cardo turned back to Vyker and raised an eyebrow. “Well?” Vyker sighed, “Vyker sir.” de Cardo’s face stayed blank but his eyes gleamed. “Vyker you say? Well it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard about you, a fierce warrior that nothing can stand in the way of!” Alfred gave a mock bow, “I’ve wondered how long it would take for me to capture you.” Turning his back to the prisoners and called over two crew members. He had a hushed conversation with the two as Bruce looked around. The ship’s highest point was at least twenty feet in the air if not higher. The ship itself was made from a painted wood that was very thick. The sails covered most of the masts and the rigging was all over the deck. The clock de Cardo wore was draped in a gold fabric that made a picture on the back. From what Bruce could see it was a dragon, wrapping around on obelisk, the mouth if it opened as if it was roaring. De Cardo turned back to the prisoners. “So before you are put in quarters I want to introduce you to the first and second mate. This,” he pointed to his right were a smaller figure stood. They were dressed in a white shirt with a plain leather vest over it. Brown pants and boots to match the vest and a blue bandanna around their head. They long hair was orange and their eyes were brown. De Cardo spoke again “is Emily, my first mate.” For the first time Bruce noticed Emily was a woman. Her clothes were baggier then the rest of the crew but feminine details were almost visible. This was the first and only female Bruce had seen on this ship. De Cardo pointed to his left to a broad shouldered shirtless man that had a scar that ran down his chest. Next to his side was a brown scabbard adorned in flowing silver details that looked as if they were painted on. His brown hair cut short and skin tanned and roughened from being on a ship all this days. “This is Butcher, my second mate and the best fighter in the whole fleet.” de Cardo laughed, “Now that you’ve been introduced bring them down to the storage room. Keep them tied.” Emily drew a small knife and cut a long piece of rope as Butcher brought all their wrists together.
• • • •
“Well this is just great” Tim said sarcastically. “Quiet!” Amanda hissed. Bruce was looking out of the port windows at the sea. Vyker had been silent for a while. Now he stood up unexpectedly. “Come on.” He whispered, “the idiot tied us up in rope. Let’s see what we got in these crates.”. The rest looked dumbfounded Vyker. “Well?” He hissed. Amanda was the first to get up as Bruce looked for what Vyker used to cut the rope. ‘Ah a small piece of metal.’ He thought as he picked it up. He grinned ‘Ingenious. Nothing stops Vyker.’ Bruce got up and opened the first crate he found. This was easy, for there were a lot of cargo. He opened one to find fine china and bags of tea. Vyker found a weird box with a slit in it. It had a symbol on it that looked like P, S and 4. “Thats a PS4,” Tim and Amanda said at the same time. Amanda continued seeing their confused faces, “It’s something from my time period. It’s a gaming console, you know the ones that everyone in the City had…” Vyker nodded, “These were very difficult to figure out.” “Not if you know how to use one.” Tim said. His back was to them and when he turned he was grinning. “Look what I found!” He held up a skin colored glove that had a white tag on it that read “Jujutsu Kaisen. Satoru Gojo glove number 3” Bruce looked puzzled, “What is that?” Tim looked shocked, “How do you not-“ he stopped himself, “Never mind. You’re probably not from my time.” He shakes his head as if he’s confused about we Bruce told him. “Anyway this is a glove from a live action adaptation to an anime called ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’! They used this glove to make a character called ‘Satoru Gojo’ make a move call ‘Domain Expansion’.” Tim put the glove on. Vyker opened another box and gave Amanda and Bruce metal sticks with switches on them. “What i-“ Bruce started, “Don’t ask. The geek over there is busy with… whatever he has.” Vyker looked at Tim, who looked like he was trying to remember something. “Flip the switch and you’ll be good.” Amanda, seeming to have done this before, had her stick on and a beam of green light came out of it. Before it got over her the beam stopped. So Bruce flipped his switch and a red beam came up and, like Amanda’s, stopped before going over his head. “Cool..?” Bruce said warily. “Of course that what it was!” Tim said suddenly. He lifted his hand and crossed two fingers. “Domain Expansion!” He said. The port window darkened and Bruce looked out. He gaped at the black sky that was sprinkled with stars and white spots. “Oh yeah! The hologram works!” Tim said his fists
Brain rot
These things are so good for bases just put down some foundations and put some ceilings of the sides and you can have a big base with all the nice stuff you need I have a ladder on the back and a rap but on the front and you can get some tames in the ramp and piro the rest when you think that you are done with a certain place and it is soooooooooooooooo good I have a baliata on the top of mine this is the same base strat I use in every world it is just so efficient just too class.
By JG Giga 😁😁😁
Guys, I’m incredibly confused:
I tamed a giga on my single player ark mobile (ultimate) game, and while riding it I realized it was doing a ton of damage… much more than a freshly tamed giga(lvl 55 before tame, lvl 80 after tame) is supposed to, so I looked at its stats…
Its melee was at 112%!!! What’s going on here? Did it just have like a ton of wild level ups put into melee or something? I’m not complaining, but I am confused.
I’d love an answer if anyone’s willing to give it!
Respond to TerrorWbrains
these aren’t helping ark survival evolved hasn’t gaven me any of them by harvesting bushes
I remember I wanted to find one of these guys and I did. It was at a beach right close to the mountains, which isn’t really where it is found usually but I was too joyful. to really care at the time I wasn’t a high enough level in the game, so that’s why I couldn’t tame it and so I just took a picture of it and because I couldn’t tame it I just let it kill me
To make any specific dye go into the engram section of the cooker click the dye and enable auto craft for that dye. Will only make that dye as long as the ingredients are there.
Devil fly