ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
All of u democrats r just salty but in reality, he won and u can't do shit about it. He has a lot of faults but it's time to unite as a nation and stand behind this man whether u like it or not because we r stronger together. That's the beauty of this country. God Bless America 🇺🇸
More Taming & KO Tips
any of santa’s deer
Step one use a bola on it, hit it with a tranquilizer, dart or tranquilizer arrow then feed meet then you have to give all your points to stamina to fly longer
Easy, great tame!
Things to note before taming:
-feeding one causes others to appear
-they have bad health and melee damage, but make up for it in speed
-best fighters against megalodons in packs
Here’s how to tame:
Find ichthyosaurus away from dangerous creatures like mantas and megalodons. You also will want one near the shore. Next, put raw meat (prime or reg.) in slot 0. Swim and approach the ichthy. It will be curious. Quickly feed it meat. Prime meat sometimes tames an ichthy instantly on taming multiplier three. Make sure it was away from Megs! Any megs around will now try to attack you sea creature. If attempting to take one near dangerous creatures, bring an ichthy saddle so you can hop right on and swim to safety. Your new ichthy probably will cause others to appear. If so, you should tame them. You could have a pack of 8 with upgraded melee damage and health, and they could easily beat a megalodon!
Easy tame!
Things to note before taming:
-usually are in packs of 3, so bring at least 5 bolas
-pretty slow while chasing you
-have extremely high torpor, so bring 5 or so narcotics
Here’s how to tame:
Use your flyer to locate a pack. Usually they have packs of three. Now, land a bit far from them but close enough so they aggro you. Now’s your chance! Quickly bola them all! Now, choose one to tame. Use tranq darts preferably so it’s quick. After yours is KO, use anything varying from arrows to a pickaxe to kill the others. (You could knock them all out, but you would be bouncing from computer to computer distributing narcotics) Calmly feed narcotics to the chosen computer, and you got a nice pet!
For taming these I recommend using some kind of flyer and dropping it into a stine or metal trap and then using tranc bows, and for getting the eggs using something overly fast or and egg steeler.