These things are the most dangerous at night and when you have higher graphic settings that improve ground foliage and grass. On lower quality settings or a reduced grass draw distance you should be able to see these guys from a distance, but there just shorter than the grass and unless there's a flying ant it's gonna be hard to spot them. For some reason on mobile they are significantly nerfed, but on any other version these dudes will poison you and drain your stamina, if your on a mount it will drain your mount as well.

Thankfully their stupid and highly predictable, for they are one of the few creatures that literally just charge ahead straight at you without trying to dodge. When they charge they don't try to dodge or get behind you, they just walk at you and bite you until you die or they die. They also don't flee so they are by all means stupider than dodos. Even a dodo will attempt to evade you, and when fighting they will try to corner or get behind their opponent. These ants are actually the dumbest creature in the game, next to the leech, and literally all these ant will do is try to kill you or your tames. They occasionally feast on a corps like the Meganuera but other than that they are painfully stupid

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