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The Thyla is an impressive creature to tame, so here is a guide to it. #1. The thyla is found in the Redwoods, and the Desert, and is aggressive. They will cause a bleed effect when they attack you, so be careful. #2. The Thyla will jump on you if you are riding anything in the redwoods, so be cautious. They can be lured into a trap, mostly a 4x4 stone one with doorframes 2 high. They are incredible when tamed, as they can climb rocks and trees, but only straight. Their saddle is only at Level 51. #3. It can harvest lots of meat and hide, so if you go out to grind meat, use a Thyla to do so. As impressive as they are, I would not recommend them for any boss fight: Leave that to rexes, yutys, daedons, etc. This is my guide to the thyla, and I hope you like it! Signed, Pickle844Luvr

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