Went searching for one of these in the redwoods to kill for the pursuit.

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Went searching for one of these in the redwoods to kill for the pursuit. Fell off my pteranodon like 200 meters in the air, died and lost all my stuff. Couldnโ€™t find the bag when I went back on another pteranodon to grab it, but I did find my first pteranodon. Lost my rifle and like 40 bullets, my sword, 30 tranq arrows and my crossbow, my โ€œarmorโ€ (clothes), 2 picks and a hatchet that I carried on me for some reason. Never killed the terror dodo but I found a mountain that argiโ€™s spawn at (like 3-4 there) so I guess it wasnโ€™t all bad, but still pretty damn bad. Safe to say Iโ€™m not going back for awhile, very traumatic experience.

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