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One of the worst enemies to cross paths with. Exclusive to Gen-2 (Borros sector) is only found in rockwells proliferation. This mini boss is known as the summoner. So let’s jump right to the deep end, (spoilers)

So what do summoners do? Well they have one job that I know of. Judging by notes, and what they look like in general, they obviously guard rockwells innards. And they know full well how to do it. So what does it look like? If you look at the picture, that’s what it looks like when it’s in attack mode. They look like a still budding rose, with a light shooting out the little opening, this is it’s one way of seeing. Even setting foot in that light will make it unfold, and form that point it’s game over. However when they are in they’re docile mode, they only become aggressive when they are physically harmed, or entering the spotlight. Avoiding them is an option but you will run into multiple inside Rockwell.

So what do they do when they’re aggressive? The answer is don’t find out in game. Making one aggressive is bad enough, and I’ll tell you exactly why. Upon provoking a summoner, it locates the said hostile (always the player), while spinning, it emits a loud screech. And that screech seals your fate, unless you came armed to the teeth, then you can kiss your life goodbye. But like all creatures they can be stopped but it’s not easy. If your try to run, it has the very quirky ability to teleport in front of you. It also comes pre equipped with a forcefield, on top of itself being untouchable, it summons R- creatures. And once summoned they B line straight for you. The summoner will then turn its forcefield off, and shoot you with purple stuff. And if that wasn’t enough, if it starts taking damage it will teleport somewhere else close by and re engage.

You don’t get anything for killing them, and to add insult to injury, multiple of them can aggro and make your life to what is very similar to what we all know as hell. Speaking of the underworld for example: “ahh what a GREAT day to farm some mutagen! :D” upon finding some you arrogantly grab it “that took forever wait what is th-“ and this is the moment just before disaster. Upon farming the mutagen plant, it summons not 1 but 2 summoners. And yes they both are very angry with you.

So before you go to rockwells innards just know there are some demonic stars that might have beef with you, and if you run into one, you can cross your fingers and hope you get out alive! Thx for reading!

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